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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1956-07-28, sorted by date, descending

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1956 21 - 28 Jul
The Laurentian Summer School was held in two sessions, 21-28 July and 28 July to the 5th of August. The presenters were: Dr Genevieve Coy spoke on "The Reality of Man", Mehdi Firoozi told stories on the Dawnbreakers and the Hands of the Cause, Ruth Moffet gave her course on the "Spiritual Crusade" and Winnifred Harvey took the theme "Tools of Living", Audrey Westheuser gave a course on Faith in Action and Allan Raynor on "Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant and our Relationship to It". [CBN No 81 October 1956 p2] Allan Raynor; Audrey Westheuser; Genevieve Coy; Mehdi Firoozi; Ruth Moffett; Summer schools; Winnifred Harvey
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