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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1955-08-26-01, sorted by date, descending

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1955 26 Aug
The Winnipeg Spiritual Assembly incorporated. [CBN No72 Jan 1956 p5; Bloodworth, Grains of Wheat p20, 49]

Members at the time of incorporation were: Singe Saxton, Stella Pollexfen, Claire Atwood, Margaret Saxton, Angus Cowan, Bobbie Cowan, Ethel Martens, Moliie Macpherson, and Miron Thom.

Angus Cowan; Bobbie Cowan; Claire Atwood; Ethel Martens; Local Spiritual Assembly, incorporation; Margaret Saxton; Miron Thom; Mollie Macpherson; Singe Saxton; Stella Pollexfen; Winnipeg, MB
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