1953 8 - 15 Aug
195- |
The annual Ontario Summer Conference was held this year at Geneva Park, Lake Couchiching, a Y.M.C.A. camp. There was an attendance of about 90 for the entire week, with about 120 for the first weekend.
The principal speaker for the occasion was Dr. Stanwood Cobb of Washington, D.C., well-known lecturer and author of many books on the spiritual aspect of the Faith. The subject of his series of lectures was "Deepening the Spiritual Life".
A course on "The Art of Consultation"
was conducted by Violet Wuerfel, of
Margery McCormick, of Chicago, brought the warmth of
her loving personality to the conference
and was instrumental in conducting daily
classes for inquirers drawn from the staff
and other guests of the camp.
Gisela Commanda, of the nearby
Rama Indian Reservation, (Rama First Nation) gave interesting
and informative talks on the life of
the Indian and had several displays on
hand. Several Baha'is visited the Reservation
and made valuable contacts. |
Gisela Commanda; Lake Couchiching, ON; Margery McCormick; Ontario Summer Conference; Stanwood Cobb; Violet Wuerfel |