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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1949-01-24-01, sorted by events, descending

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1949 Jan (Late)
Jim and Melba Loft and their children, Sam, Arthur and Evelyn returned to Tyendinaga First Nation from Marysville Michigan. [RT43]
  • The first to respond to their teaching was a white couple, Bert and Elizabeth Curtis. [CBN 15 September 1950 p8-9]
  • Later Melba Loft became the first woman ever to he nominated as a candidate for election to the Indian Council (First Nation Council) of the Tyendinaga Reserve (Tyendinaga First Nation). [CBN No49 Feb 1954 p5]
  • Evelyn Loft was officially commended by the government agent for the honour she has brought to the reserve by her excellent standing at Belleville Collegiate Institute. [CBN No49 Feb 1954 p5]
Arthur Loft; Evelyn Loft; Jim Loft; Melba Loft; Sam Loft; Tyendinaga First Nation, ON
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