Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1942-00-00-02, sorted by date, descending

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1942 (In the year)
In the Baha'i group in Edmonton as in other groups, it was not uncommon to find women among the first believers or "pioneers." Although there was a Baha'i group in Edmonton in 1911, apparently the Bahá'í community has been in continuous existence only since 1940. [OBCC152]
  • The Vancouver Bahá'í Archives has a photo of the first Bahá'í group in Edmonton in 1942 with Anne McGee, Lyda Martland, Milwyn Davies, Kay Rimell, Anita Ioas (later Chapman). This photo is Plate 30 in OBCC152.
Anita Chapman; Anita Ioas; Anne McGee; Edmonton, AB; Kay Rimell; Lyda Martland; Milwyn Davies
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