Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1934, sorted by date, descending

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1934 (In the year)
Rosemary Gilles (b. 1902 Scotland) enrolled in the Faith in 1929 in Montreal. In 1934 she married Emeric Sala and they pioneered to St Lambert,

They remained there until 1939 when the couple pioneered to Venezuela. [OBCC82]

Emeric Sala; Rosemary Sala; St. Lambert, QC
1934 (Apr or before)
The first homefront pioneers in Canada were Rowland and Stella Estall (née Delanti) who moved from Montreal to St Lambert in 1934. Rowland remained until 1935 and Stella Estall until 1938. - Pioneers; Rowland Estall; St. Lambert, QC; Stella Delanti; Stella Estall first homefront pioneers in Canada
1934 (In the year)
The first talk on the Bahá'í Faith was given in Calgary. May Maxwell had arrived by train at the Palliser Hotel situated at 9th Avenue and 1st Street West where she spoke to a women's Peace Club meeting. Her husband, William Sutherland Maxwell was the architect of the hotel. [The Distance Traversed: a presentation by Bev Knowlton and Joan Young 2022] Calgary, AB first Baha'i talk given in Calgary
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