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Date 2024-12-13, sorted by date, descending

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2024 13 Dec
The arrest of Reza Khandan by the Iranian security forces. An activist, artist, father he is the husband of the Sakharov Prize for the Freedom of Thought laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh. He faced three-and-a-half more years of an existing sentence (on top of time already served) for supporting women’s rights in Iran.

In 2018, a few months after Nasrin was imprisoned for her legal work representing women who protested Iran’s compulsory hijab laws, Reza and fellow activist Farhad Meysami were arrested for making thousands of buttons that said in Farsi, “I Oppose the Mandatory Hijab.” Reza was charged with “spreading propaganda against the system” and “colluding to commit crimes against national security,” for speaking out about Nasrin’s arrest, and for challenging the country’s compulsory hijab law. He was released on bail after 111 days while Nasrin remained in prison until she received a medical furlough in July 2021. Farhad was released in February 2023. [Iran Wire 13 Dec 2024]

Nasrin Sotoudeh; Reza Khandan
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