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Date 2021-04-21-02, sorted by date, descending

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2021 Ridván
The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Croatia with its seat in Zagreb. [Ridván 2021 p8; BWNS1506]

Formally part of a regional spiritual assembly of Slovenia and Croatia, the left the National Spiritual Assembly of Slovenia with its seat in Ljubljana, Slovenia. [BINS317:2; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:25, 3–6]

Croatia; Ljubljana, Slovenia; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Slovenia; Zagreb, Croatia
2021 Ridván
Core Activities: 2016 100,000          2021 300,000

Participants in Core Activities: 2016 approx 333,000          2021 2,000,000

Number of National and Regional Training Institutes in Operation:      2021 329

Number of participants who have complete at least one book in the sequence:      2021 750,000

Number of courses completed by participants in the main sequence of courses: 2016 approx. 666,666     2021 2,000,000

Number of Clusters with an Intensive Program of Growth:      2021 approx. 4,000

Number of Cluster that have passed the third milestone: 2016 20 in 40 countries          2021 1,000 in nearly 100 countries. [Riḍván Message 2021]

- Bahá'í World Centre; - Institute process; Core activities; Statistics
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