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Date 2018-02, sorted by date, descending

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2018 22 Feb
A progress report on the construction of the Mashriqul-Adhkar in Norte del Cauca was made. The main structural components of the central building had been completed and work had begun on the finishing of the floor and the walls as well as the placement of the roof tiles. Construction had begun in a number of auxiliary buildings. [BWNS1240] - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; Agua Azul, Colombia; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Colombia; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Norte del Cauca, Colombia; North Caucasus
2018 20 Feb
Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a former member of the Yaran, was transferred from Evin Prison to a hospital as per directions of the prison doctor after experiencing heart issues. He underwent surgery and, after spending a few days in the ICU, was transferred back to prison. Mr. Khanjani suffered from old age and multiple ailments. He had been in prison since May 18, 2008. Throughout his 10-year term he had not been allowed a single day of leave. Security and Judicial authorities did not even allow him to attend his wife's funeral. His sentence was completed on March 22. [Iran Press Watch 18815] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution, Other; Court cases; Human rights; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
2018 18 Feb
In an open letter, twenty-five prominent international lawyers and human right activists appealed to Mohammad Javad Larijani, the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights in Iran, to take steps to end the persecution of the Bahá'ís in Iran. In the letter they made reference to the new website, "Archives of the Bahá'í Persecution in Iran", stating that it "vividly demonstrates the depth and breadth of unjust, relentless, and systematic oppression against a religious minority". [BICNews10Feb2018] * Persecution, Iran; * Publications; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; - Worldwide; Human rights; Internet; Iran; Open letters; Websites
2018 16 Feb
The release of Saeid Rezaie, one of the seven members of the Yaran, the former leadership group of the Bahá'ís in Iran after completing his 10-year sentence. He was the fourth person from among the Yaran to be released. [BWNS1238] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution, Other; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Court cases; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
2018 Feb
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), an NGO working to promote the right to freedom of religion or belief of all and raising awareness about the persecution of Christians and other religious groups around the world, published a shocking report that revealed the influence of religious persecution on religious minority children. In its Faith and a Future report, CSW focused on the situation of religious minority children in educational settings in Burma, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan. The report scrutinized three common acts of persecution in the educational setting specifically bias, discrimination and abuse.
  • In Iran, bias can be seen across various educational materials in the country. School textbooks were focused on the Shi'a Muslim perspective and were silent on any other religions. This had an adverse effect on religious minorities. Children belonging to the Bahá'í religion were denied access to schools and often access to higher education. Bahá'í children that were lucky to be enrolled in schools were not free to learn or partake in their religious belief. According to the CSW report, a memorandum from the Iran government stated that Bahá'í children 'should be enrolled in schools which have a strong and imposing religious [Shi'a] ideology.' The situation for children partaking in higher education is no better. According to Article 3 of the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council's student qualification regulations (1991), students were to be expelled if they were found to be Bahá'í. Only Muslim or students belonging to recognized religions were allowed to take the national enrolment exam. The report further alleged that some Bahá'í children had been subjected to physical abuse at schools. [Iran Press Watch 18838]
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Education; - Persecution, Education; - Persecution, Human rights; Faith and a Future (CSW); Human rights; Iran
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