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Date 2018-01-25, sorted by date, descending

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2018 25 Jan
By way of a contribution to the 7th Annual ECOSOC Youth Forum at the United Nations, the Bahá'í International Community presented a statement titled, Rising Generations: Weaving a New Tapestry of Community Life in which our current systems of governance, economics, health, and education, among others were discussed and thought given to what these systems would have to be like in the future. - BIC statements; Bahá'í International Community; New York, USA; United States (USA)
2018 25 Jan
Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Asma Jahangir, in her report, shared with that country on this date, listed the names of some 77 Bahá'ís imprisoned in that country.
  • Report.
  • - BIC statements; Asma Jahangir; Bahá'í International Community; New York City, NY; Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran; United Nations
    2018 25 Jan
    The announcement of the opening of an educational centre at the Bahá'í Lotus Temple. The educational facility, which can accommodate hundreds, will be used to host camps, courses, and seminars for youth and young adults who are involved in efforts to improve their communities. With the opening of the new educational facility, many more will be able to attend these programs than was previously possible.
  • Shaheen Javid, General Manager of the House of Worship reported that the Temple, which opened in 1986, received 10,000–15,000 visitors on weekdays and over 35,000 on weekends. [BWNS1234]
  • - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); India; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, New Delhi; New Delhi, India; Shaheen Javid; Statistics; Youth
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