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Date 1999-04, sorted by date, descending

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1999 Ridván
The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridván Message that ....."(t)he further creation of national and regional training institutes, now numbering 344, has pressed this development forward, with the result that, apart from North America and Iran where numerous courses have been given, some 70,000 individuals have already completed at least one institute course." [Mess86-01p668]

Further, in its message of 26 November 1999 it stated that "An impressive network of training institutes on a scale but dimly imagined at the start of the Plan has been established throughout the world. These nascent centres of learning have made significant strides in developing formal programmes and in putting into place effective systems for the delivery of courses. Reports indicate that the number of believers benefiting directly from training courses has climbed to nearly 100,000." [Message 26 November, 1999]

- Bahá'í World Centre; - Institute process; Statistics; Training Institutes
1999 Ridván
National Spiritual Assembly of Macedonia was formed with its seat in Skopje. [Ridván Message 156]
1999 Ridván
National Spiritual Assembly of Estonia was formed with its seat in Tallinn. [BW99-00p44-45, Ridván Message 156]
  • The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States (Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) that had been formed in 1992 was dissolved.
  • Estonia; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1999 Ridván
    National Spiritual Assembly of Lithuania was formed. [BW99-00p44-45, Ridván Message 156]
  • The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States (Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) that had been formed in 1992 was dissolved.
  • Lithuania; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1999 Ridván
    National Spiritual Assembly of Latvia was formed. [BW99-00p44-45, Ridván Message 156]
  • The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States (Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) that had been formed in 1992 was dissolved.
  • Latvia; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Riga, Latvia
    1999 19 Apr
    The Islamic Revolutionary Court in Isfahan sentenced Sina Hakiman (10 yrs), Farzad Khajeh Sharifabadi (7 yrs), Havivullhh Ferdosian Najafabadi (7 yrs) and Ziaullah Mirzapanah (3yrs) for crimes against national security. All four were among the thirty-six who were arrested in late September and in early October, 1998 in a concerted government crackdown against Bahá'í education in fourteen cities in Iran.
  • It was reported that over 500 homes were raided in an attempt to crack down on the Bahá'í Open University. Files, equipment and other property used by the University were seized. From report by Human Rights Watch Academic Freedom Committee.
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution, Education; Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE); Court cases; Education; Human rights; Iran; Isfahan, Iran
    1999 7 Apr
    The Universal House of Justice distributed a compilation entitled Issues Related to the Study of the Bahá'í Faith. The compilation had been first published in Bahá'í Canada in May 1998.
  • See the complete history of this document at
  • See as well a follow-up to the "Issues Related to the Study of the Baha'i Faith" letter, a message from the Universal House of Justice dated 14 November 2005.
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; Bahá'í studies; Protection
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