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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1978-10-02, sorted by firsts, ascending

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1978 Oct - Nov
Mobs destroyed the Hazíratu'l-Quds in Mihán-du-´Ab followed by the burning or looting of 80 homes and the murder of two believers, a father and son who bodies were dragged through the streets, cut into pieces and consigned to the flames. Throughout the country the hostility towards the Bahá'ís resulted in 4 deaths, the loss of millions in property and the displacement of some 700 people.
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of Iran instituted a special fund for relief of the needy and suffering. [BN 136 April 1979 p2-3]
  • - Persecution; Azerbaijan; Funds; Funds, relief; Iran; Mihán-du-`Ab, Iran
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