Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1976-00-00, sorted by date, descending

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1976 (In the year)
The buildings for two new permanent Bahá'í institutes, at Kilifi and Mugweko, were completed, and the institutes began functioning. A large Bahá'í Centre was built in Nakuru and steps were taken towards completion of another at Tongeren. [BW16p145] Bahá'í Institutes; Kenya; Kilifi, Kenya; Mugweko, Kenya; Nakuru, Kenya; Tongeren, Belgium
1976 to 1985
British pioneers Ron, Thelma, Simon and Suzanne Batchelor lived in Kathmandu, Nepal. [Thelma Batchelor on Bahá'í History UK] - Pioneers; Kathmandu, Nepal; Nepal
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