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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1958-04-21, sorted by date, descending

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1958 Ridván
The first Local Spiritual Assembly was formed in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (the Southern Rhodesia. [KoB111] Bulawayo, Zimbabwe The first Local Spiritual Assembly was formed in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
1958 Ridván
The first Spiritual Assembly was formed on Terceira Island in the Azores. It was not until December of that year that the first two native believers embraced the Faith. [BW14p317] Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Terceira, Azores
1958 Ridván
The National Spiritual Assembly of France was formed. [BW13p274]
  • For the message of the Custodians to the French National Convention see MC86–9.
  • France; National Spiritual Assembly, formation first Local Spiritual Assembly France
    1958 Ridván
    The formation of the first local spiritual assembly of Taipei. [The Taiwan Bahá'í Chronicle by Barbara R. Sims p25] Local Spiritual Assemblies; Taipei, Taiwan; Taiwan The formation of the first local spiritual assembly of Taipei, Taiwan
    1958 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly of Macau was formed. Local Spiritual Assemblies; Macau first Local Spiritual Assembly Macau
    1958 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly in the Kingdom of Tonga was formed at Nuku'alofa. Local Spiritual Assemblies; Nukualofa, Tonga; Tonga first Local Spiritual Assembly Kingdom of Tonga
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