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Date 1957-04-21, sorted by date, descending

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1957 Ridván
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula was established at the first National Convention of Arabia which was held in Manama, Bahrain. [BWIM249]

By 1962, the regions with Bahá'í communities under the Assembly's jurisdiction were the Aden Protectorate, Bahrain, Hijaz, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. [BW13p955]

  • From 1962 until 30 November 1967, British administered the Aden Protectorate in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The constituent territories were the following: Aden (including the city of Aden and its surrounding areas), Hadhramaut, Mahra, Upper Aulaqi Sultanate, Lower Aulaqi Sultanate, Dhala, Fadhli Sultanate, and Beihan. It was known as the Federation of South Arabia and it was to become, for the most part, The Peoples Republic of South Yemen.
  • Prior to their unification on the 22 of May, 1990. North Yemen, (the Yemen Arab Republic), and South Yemen, (the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen), existed as separate countries with distinct political systems.
  • Aden Protectorate; Arabian Peninsula; Bahrain; Manama, Bahrain; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Yemen
    1957 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly in Brunei had already been formed. [BW 13:302] Brunei; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly Brunei
    1957 Ridván
    The first Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Apia, Western Samoa was formed. The members were: Lilian Ala'i, Ghodsieh Ala'i, Nemat Ala'i, To'alima Sa'ialala, Lotoa Rock, Emanuel Rock, William I Laing, Sa'ialala Tamasese, and Suhayl A Ala'i. [CBN No99 April, 1958 p5] Apia, Samoa; Emanuel Rock; Ghodsieh Alai; Lilian Alai; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Lotoa Rock; Nemat Alai; Saialala Tamasese; Samoa; Suhayl A Alai; Toalima Saialala; William I Laing first Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Apia
    1957 Ridván
    The formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canberra, the last capital city in Australia to form. Australia; Canberra, Australia; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canberra
    1957 - 1963
    The launch of the Northeast Asia Six Year Plan (1957-1963)

    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia had an area of jurisdiction embracing Japan, Korea, Formosa, Macao, Hong Kong, Hainan Island, and Sakhalin Island. [JTA80-86]

    * Teaching Plans; Hainan Island, China; Hong Kong; Japan; Korea; Macau; Northeast Asia Six Year Plan; Sakhalin Island; Taiwan
    1957 Ridván
    In his last Ridván message Shoghi Effendi announced that the exterior of International Bahá'í Archives had been completed and that the roof was in place. [VBHP38; DH169; GBF63–4; PP264–6]
      It had cost approximately a quarter of a million dollars and was, like the Shrine of the Báb, ordered in Italy, entirely carved and completed there, and shipped to Haifa for erection; not only was each separate stone numbered, but charts showing where each on went facilitated its being place in its proper position." [PP265]
  • Ugo Giachery supervised the work in Italy and Leroy Ioas in Haifa. Because the landscaping had been completed prior to the completion of the construction, it had to be built from the rear with only a space of about 5 metres on three sides to work in. [PP265]
  • For details of its construction and photographs see BW13:403–33.
  • * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Haifa, Israel; International Archives Building (Haifa); Leroy Ioas; Mount Carmel; Shoghi Effendi, Works of; Ugo Giachery
    1957 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly in Nyasaland was formed at Lilongwe. Lilongwe, Malawi; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Malawi first Local Spiritual Assembly Nyasaland
    1957 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly in Cape Verde was formed in Praia. Cape Verde; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Praia, Cape Verde first Local Spiritual Assembly Cape Verde
    1957 Ridván
    The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula with its seat in Bahrayn (Bahrain). [BW15p296]
  • The area was altered in 1972 for the formation of two National Spiritual Assemblies, Eastern Arabian and Kuwait. [BW15p297]
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland was formed with its seat in Stockholm, Sweden. [BW13:274] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Stockholm, Sweden; Sweden first NSA Scandinavia and Finland
    1957 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska was formed and incorporated immediately upon formation. [HE31]
  • This was the first time a political entity (i.e. the United States) was subdivided to form a national spiritual assembly. [BW13:270]
  • In 1927 the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada resolved, in their Declaration of Trust and By-law of the National Spiritual Assembly, to exclude Alaska and Hawaii and all United States trusts and territories including Puerto Rico from their jurisdiction. [Constitution of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States]
  • Picture.
  • Alaska, USA; Incorporation; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; United States (USA) first NSA Alaska; first time a political entity subdivided to form NSA
    1957 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Australia and New Zealand formed separate National Assemblies. [BW13p306]
  • Since 1934 they were part of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand.
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation; New Zealand first NSA New Zealand
    1957 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Pakistan was formed with its first National Convention in Karachi. Previously it was administered by the Regional Assembly of India, Pakistán and Burma. The "mother assembly" reverted by to its former name, The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India and Burma and was so until 1959. [BW13p299]
  • On May 28th the Assembly was incorporated. [BW13p300]
  • Karachi, Pakistan; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Pakistan first NSA Pakistan
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of South East Asia was formed with its seat in Djakarta. [BW13:289,302]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Borneo, Indo-China, Indonesia, Malaya, Sarawak, Siam, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Philippines, Dutch New Guinea, Mentawai Islands, Cocos Islands, Portuguese Timor and Brunei.
  • A subsidiary Six-Year Plan was formed. [BW13:302]
  • This assembly was dissolved in 1964. [BW14p99]
  • Indonesia; Jakarta, Indonesia; National Spiritual Assembly, formation first NSA South East Asia
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia was formed with its seat in Tokyo, Japan. [BW13:304]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Japan, Korea, Formosa, Macau, Hong Kong, Hainan Island and Sakhalin Island.
  • Japan; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Northeast Asia; Tokyo, Japan first NSA North East Asia
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles was formed with its seat in Kingston, Jamaica The Assembly was disbanded in 1961 when individual National Assemblies were formed for the constituent countries.. [BW13:257]
  • The countries involved: Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic [BN No 312 p7]
  • Jamaica; Kingston, ON; National Spiritual Assembly, formation first NSA Greater Antilles
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela was formed at Lima, Peru. [BW13:257]
  • Prior to this time, since 1951 it had been administer by the National Spiritual Assembly of South America. [Bahaipedia NSA; South America]
  • Lima, Peru; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Peru first NSA Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia was formed at Buenos Aires, Argentina. [BW13:257]
  • Prior to this time, since 1951 it had been administer by the National Spiritual Assembly of South America. [Bahaipedia NSA; South America]
  • Argentina; Bolivia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Chile; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Paraguay; Uruguay first NSA Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Mexico and the Republics of Central America was formed at Panama City, Panama. [BW13:257]
  • The countries involved were: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico.
  • Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Nicaragua; Panama first NSA Mexico and the Republics of Central America
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly for the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain) was formed with its seat in Madrid, Spain. [BW13:274]
  • The Assembly was disbanded in 1962 when Spain and Portugal established independent National Assemblies.
  • Madrid, Spain; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Portugal; Spain first NSA Iberian Peninsula
    1957 Ridván
    The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Benelux Countries was formed with its seat in Brussels, Belgium. [BW13:274]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
  • Belgium; Benelux, Europe; Brussels, Belgium; Luxembourg; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Netherlands first NSA Benelux Countries
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