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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1952-04-21-03, sorted by firsts, descending

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1952 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly in Tanganyika was established in Dar-es-Salaam. Jalal Nakhjavani, Hassan Sabri, Isobel Sabri, Leslie Matola, Khanum Darakshandeh Nakhjavani, Dudley Denis-Smith Kutendele, Eustace Mwalimu, and Naimi Frahang Nayer Gopalkrishnan were among its members; Matola belonged to the Yao tribe, while Mwalimu belonged to another. [History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania] Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania; Local Spiritual Assembly first Local Spiritual Assembly in Tanganyika
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