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Date 1948-04-21-02, sorted by date, ascending

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1948 Ridván
The Germano-Austrian teaching plan, the German Five Year Plan(1948–53), comprising of internal goals only, was launched. [BBRSM158; The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2]

Some goals were:
  - To double the number of Local Spiritual Assemblies from fourteen to twenty-eight, increasing the Bahá'í membership in each community
  - To raise the number of localities in Germany and Austria where Bahá'ís reside
  - To deepen the understanding of the friends in the operation of the Administrative Order
  - To encourage deeper study of the teachings
  - To construct the National Hazíratu'l-Quds in Frankfurt
  - To enrich Bahá'í literature with two publications by March 1949, fifteen by March 1950, six by March 1951 and nine by 1952

- Teaching Plans; Austria; Germano-Austrian Five Year Plan; Germany
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