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Date 1946-04-21-01, sorted by date, descending

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1946 Ridván
India and Burma launched a Four and One-Half Year Plan, Indian 4½ Year Plan. (1946-1951) [Ruhi 8.2 p46; BW11p32; DND141-143; The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2]
  • The goals were:
      - To increase the number of Local Assemblies from 21 to 63
      - To give special attention to areas marked by sharp cultural and political divisions
    As the plan unfolded, the National Assembly added the following additional goals:
      - To publish the Esslemont book - 'Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era' in eighteen new languages
      - To acquire a National Hazíratu'l-Quds in New Delhi
      - To carry the Bahá'í message to Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand
  • * Teaching Plans; - Teaching Plans, National; India; India, Pakistan and Burma Four and a Half Year Teaching Plan; Myanmar; Pakistan
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