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Date 1935-09, sorted by date, descending

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1935 Sep or Oct
Louise Gregory returned to Europe for her last teaching trip on that continent. Over the Christmas period she had a month-long visit from Martha Root who subsequently went on to Sofia to assist Marion Jack.
  • Louise left Belgrade on the 16th of May 1936 and travelled to Norway. She sailed from Oslo to New York on the SS Bergensfiordon the 26th of May and arrived in New York on the 4th of June. [SYH206-212]
  • Belgrade, Serbia; Louise Gregory; Martha Root; Yugoslavia
    1935 20 Sep
    The passing of Jinab-i-Fádil-i-Shírází (Shaykh Muhammad Ibráhim) (b.1863) in Tehran. [ARG109, M9YA418, 433]
  • A biography of this learned servant of Bahá'u'lláh has been written by his grand-daughter, Houri Faláhi-Skuce entitled A Radiant Gem: A biography of Jinab-i-Fadil-i-Shirazi.
  • Note: ARG164-166 gives his passing as August 1935. The date given by the Persian calendar, 27 Shahrívar 1314 converts to 19 September 1935. He passed at 1:30 AM on the following day.
  • - Biography; - In Memoriam; Fadil-i-Shirazi (Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim); Houri Falahi-Skuce; Iran; Tehran, Iran
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