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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1933-09-13-01, sorted by date, descending

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1933 9 or 13 Sep (or possibly mid-November)
Louise Gregory sailed from Boston to Europe on the SS Sinai. She spent some time in Salzburg and met with Miss Steffi Fürth whom she had met a year earlier. She had become, perhaps, the first believer in Salzburg [SYH180-181]
  • By October she was settled in Varna, Bulgaria where there was a small group of active believers. [SYG181]
  • On the instructions of the Guardian she left Varna for Belgrade to help Martha Root with the teaching work. Louise arrived on the 14th of March 1934. [SYH186]
  • Belgrade, Serbia; Louise Gregory; Martha Root; Salzburg, Germany; Steffi Fürth; Varna, Bulgaria; Yugoslavia the first believer in Salzburg
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