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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

World Canada

Date 1929-03-16, sorted by date, descending

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1929 16 Mar
In December of 1925 the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of United States and Canada adopted the "Unified Plan of Action" and among the resolutions was to raise some $400,000 over the following three years to construct the first unit of the superstructure of the Temple. By the end of 1926 only $51,000 had been collected and the following year was just as disappointing. At the National Convention in 1928 Fred Schopflocher's donation of $25,000 inspired contributions and the Fund rose to about $87,000 by March 1929. On this day Fred and Lorol Schopflocher contributed a further $100,000. [LoF388-389, SETPE1p162-163]
  • See May 1937 for another contribution of $100,000 from the Schopflochers.
  • Canada; Fred Schopflocher; Funds; Lorol Schopflocher; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette; Montreal, QC; Unified Plan of Action, US and CA; United States (USA); Wilmette, IL
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