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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1927-08-01, sorted by date, descending

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1927 1 Aug
Geyserville Bahá'í Summer School, the first American Bahá'í summer school, was established on property in California donated by John Bosch. It was to operate until 1973 when a new road project divided the property. The land was sold and the funds used to purchase land in the mountains above the coastal town of Santa Cruz. The new school was named In honour of John and Louise Bosch. [BBD87; BW10:180; GPB340, Bosch]
  • BW5:28–9 says this was the second Bahá'í summer school in America but Shoghi Effendi indicates in GPB340 that Green Acre is formally established as a Bahá'í summer school in 1929.
  • - Bahá'í schools (conference centres); California, USA; First summer and winter schools; Geyserville, CA; Green Acre, Eliot, ME; John Bosch; Summer schools; United States (USA) first American Bahá’í summer school
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