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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1924-10-22-01, sorted by date, descending

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1924 22 - 23 Oct
The fourth Race Amity Convention was held in Philadelphia. Because there were few Bahá'ís in the city at that time it required assistance from other communities. Roy Williams played a key role as he had in Springfield. Louis Gregory spent one month writing articles for the newspapers, speaking and serving in other ways.

The first session was attended by some 600 people, and, thanks to the excellent press coverage, 900 were present the second day.

The following day, on the 24th of October, the Bahá'í supported a Conference on Inter-racial Justice organized by the Quakers. Followup meetings were held on the 25th and the 26th of October. [SYD147-149]

Louis G. Gregory; Philadelphia, PA; Race amity; Roy Williams; United States (USA)
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