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Date 1920-10, descending sort earliest first

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1920 16 Oct
Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Michaelmas Term 1920

  • Because there wasn't a vacancy in Balliol College, Shoghi Effendi could not register during the first term. Although he was not registered in the College he attended every day and took instruction from tutors. During this time he took lodgings at 45 Broad Street. [PG151-155]
  • 23 October: Shoghi Effendi officially matriculated in the Non-Collegiate Delegacy, a week after starting lectures for the Michaelmas term (Oct-Christmas, or, more formally Michaelmas term — 13 Sundays before to 5 Sundays before the feast day of St Hilary). [PG157]
  • Shoghi Effendi hosted a visit from his childhood friend Ali Yazdi who was on his way to America. [RG 158-159]
  • Shoghi Effendi at Oxford; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); Oxford, England; United Kingdom
    1920 Oct
    Mírzá Mustafá was killed at Farúgh, Fárs, and other Bahá'ís were imprisoned. [BW18:387]
  • He was appointed as one of the Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh.
  • Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution; - Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh; Farugh, Iran; Fars, Iran; Iran
    1920 Oct
    Shoghi Effendi entered Balliol College, Oxford University. [CB284; DH149; GBF11-12]
  • For his purpose in going to Oxford see GBF12.
  • For his time in Oxford see PP34-8.
  • A Q Faizi is reported to have said, during a talk to pilgrims in May-June, 1965 that "Shoghi Effendi was sent to Oxford to protect him from potential enemies, not to learn English or be educated." [SDSC273]
  • Shoghi Effendi at Oxford; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); Balliol College, Oxford University; Universities; * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Oxford, England; United Kingdom
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