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Date 1918-09-23, sorted by date, descending

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1918 23 Sep
"During the early years of World War I, though no longer imprisoned, 'Abdu'l-Bahá faced repeated threats against His life by authorities who were antagonistic towards Him and the Bahá'ís. The Commander of the Ottoman fourth army corps had even threatened to crucify 'Abdu'l-Bahá if the Turkish army were ever to be displaced out of Haifa." Lady Blomfield in London had learned of these threats and through her contacts in Cabinet, the British Army was instructed to protect Him and His family. [BWNS69, BWNS1202]

The British army took the city in the 1st Battle of Haifa: The battle was won due to a courageous uphill assault by the Jodhpur Lancers of the Indian Army who took the German and Turkish artillery and machine gun emplacements on top of Mount Carmel by surprise. This attack is believed to have been one of the last cavalry charge in modern military history. Each year, on this date, the Indian Army commemorates this victory as Haifa Day. [AY104; BBR335; DH148, Scroll In 68095]

  • For details of the battle see BBR335-6.
  • For letters from the British authorities stating that `Abdu'l-Bahá is safe see BBR336-7.
  • For a photos see The Indian Weekender 5 October, 2018 as well as Wikipedia.
  • For videos see India Today, The Battle of Haifa Part 1, The Battle of Haifa Part II.
  • See the story as recounted by Col (Dr) Divakaran Padma Kumar Pillay.
  • See as well Battle of Haifa: The Last Great Cavalry Campaign in History by Ajeet Singh Choudhary. This article provides a comprehensive historical account of the Jodhpur Lancers and Battle of Haifa.
  • See PG85-86, on the 23rd of August, 1919 'Abdu'l-Bahá, in conversation with Major-General Watson, referring to the success of the British army in taking Haifa stated, "God hath wished it to be so, it was His Divine aid and assistance that made it possible." and "It was God that helped you from every standpoint."
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá, Death threats to; Armies; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Germany; Haifa, Israel; Haifa Day; History (general); Indian Army; Israel; Jodhpur Lancers; Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield; Mount Carmel; Turkey; War; World War I
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