Articulating a Consultative Epistemology: Toward a Reconciliation of Truth and Relativism. Todd Smith, Michael Karlberg. (2009) Epistemology has a perennial tension between two contrasting approaches to knowledge: the search for foundational truth vs. the relativity of truth. Consultation can help resolve paradoxical truth claims to develop an integrative approach to knowledge. Articles.
Becoming Attuned to Reality: Presuppositions and the Power of Learning in Action. Todd Smith. (2024-03) The learning mode of action, reflection, consultation, and study encourages investigators to attend to six "interplays" which work together to facilitate collaborative readings of reality in the search for truth. Articles.
Science and Religion in Dynamic Interplay. Todd Smith. (2019) An approach to conceptualizing and contributing to the harmony of science and religion; some legitimate concerns many thinkers have with religion; three ways in which science and religion can complement each other. Articles.
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