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"Suheil Badi Bushrui"

author name: Suheil Badi Bushrui
web link: Suheil_Badi_Bushrui
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Suheil Bushrui;Suheil Badi Bushru'i

7 results

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  1. Age of Anxiety and the Century of Light, The: Twentieth-Century Literature, the Poet's Mission, and the Vision of World Unity. Suheil Badi Bushrui. (2003) W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, and Kahlil Gibran were writers who recognized and confronted the spiritual and intellectual crisis of their time. The mission of the poet is to bear witness, maintain the integrity of language, and express truths. Articles.
  2. Ameen Rihani and the Unity of Religion: The Politics of Time and the Politics of Eternity. Suheil Badi Bushrui (published as Suheil Bushrui. (2014) Overview of the life and thought of a Lebanese-American writer, intellectual, and political activist, who believed in the oneness of religions and the brotherhood of nations and devoted his life to promoting East-West understanding. Articles.
  3. Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet. Suheil Badi Bushrui (published as Suheil Bushrui, Joe Jenkins. (1998) Includes portrait of 'Abdu'l-Bahá sketched by Kahlil Gibran. Excerpts.
  4. Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Notes on the Style of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Suheil Badi Bushrui. (1995) The near-similarity between the style of the Qur'an and that of the Aqdas. Study.
  5. Le Style du Kitáb-i-Aqdas - Aspects du Sublime, livre du Professeur Suheil Bushrui. Suheil Badi Bushrui (published as Suheil Bushrui. Pierre Daoust, trans. (2018) Une analyse du Kitab-i-Aqdas, un ouvrage rédigé en prose rimée typique des écrits arabes les plus exaltants. Books.
  6. Opening of the Academic Mind, The: The Challenges Facing a Culture in Crisis. Suheil Badi Bushrui. (2004) Perspective on the state of the academy: reforms essential to the progress and development of society: the central place of teaching in the curriculum; humility in place of intellectual arrogance; abrogating the practice of "publish or perish." Articles.
  7. Spiritual Foundation of Human Rights, The: A Bahá'í Perspective. Suheil Badi Bushrui. (1997-11-15) Talks.
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