- Agnes Baldwin Alexander, Hand of the Cause of God, by Earl Redman and Duane Troxel: Review. Sheridan Sims (2023-05). Reviews.
- Gulick and Three Women: Diary of a Cross-country Auto Trip to and back from the 1942 Bahá'í National Convention. Margaret Marie Rutledge, Sheridan Sims, comp. (2015). Diary by the sister of Barbara Sims of a cross-country road trip with Ramona Brown, Marzieh Gail, and Robert Gulick. Biographies.
- In memoriam Barbara Sims. Universal House of Justice, Sheridan Sims, Sandra S. Fotos (2002-05-10). Two obituaries of a prominent American Bahá'í teacher and pioneer to Japan. East-asia.
- In the Light of the Rising Sun: Memoirs of A Bahá'í Pioneer to Japan. Barbara R. Sims, Sheridan Sims, ed. (2002/2020). Expanded and newly-annotated version of Sims' auto-biography, covering the history of the Faith in Japan 1953-2002. Books.
- Memories of Talks with the Guardian. Hiroyasu Takano, Sheridan Sims, ed. (2016). Memories of a pilgrimage in 1954. Takano was the only Japanese Bahá'í other than Saichiro Fujita to meet the Guardian. Pilgrims.
- Traces That Remain: A Pictorial History of the Early Days of the Bahá'í Faith among the Japanese. Barbara R. Sims, Sheridan Sims, ed. (1989). Extensive history of Bahá'í events and personages in Japan, 1914-1983. East-asia.
- Twin Pilgrimages of Núru'd-Dín Mumtází. Nureddin Mumtazi, Sheridan Sims, ed. (2015). Accounts of Nureddin Momtazi's pilgrimages in 1920 and 1955-56. Includes foreword and numerous notes, both covering much history and context. Documents reviewed and annotated by multiple members of Momtazi's family. Pilgrims.