- American Bahá'í Women and the Education of Girls in Tehran, 1909-1934. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1986). On the activities of four teachers and doctors who formed the first resident embassage of Western Bahá'í women in the East, who came to Iran to help expand access to health and education. Articles.
- Bahá'í Faith and Sexuality. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1996-02). A selection of internet postings from January-February 1996 on the teachings, history, and laws of the Bahá'í Faith regarding sexuality, concluding with a discussion of some biological meanings of "gender." Essays.
- Black Pearls: The African Household Slaves of a Nineteenth Century Iranian Merchant Family. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (2003-10). The African slave trade to Iran in the 1800s, and the lives of household slaves of one specific merchant family from Shiraz, that of The Báb, as described in the narrative of Abu'l-Qasim Afnan. Articles-unpublished.
- Bourgeois, Jean-Baptiste Louis (1856-1930). R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1997). Short biography of the architect and designer of Mashriqu'l-Adhkar at Wilmette, Illinois. Encyclopedia.
- Considerations in Setting Sacred Text to Music for the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1996). The relationship of music to the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar as a place and as a gathering of people, and a proposed set of 'rules' that can aid the conscious development of a Bahá'í devotional music. Articles.
- Early Irish Bahá'ís. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1998 Spring). Short history of the introduction of the Bahá’í Faith to Ireland, 1900 to 1925. Essays.
- Earthly Paradise, An: Bahá'í Houses of Worship Around the World, by Julie Badiee: Review. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1997). Reviews.
- Holley, Horace Hotchkiss. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1995). Biography of a Hand of the Cause of God. Encyclopedia.
- Moody, Susan. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1998). Encyclopedia.
- Music, Devotions, and Mashriqu'l-Adhkar. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1987). An in-depth examination of the development of music and hymns within American Bahá'í devotional life, some history of the Chicago community, and the architecture and construction of the Wilmette temple. Includes sheet music and design plans. Books.
- Politics, Text, and Context: In Search of the Bahá'í Revolution. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1986). The rationale for Shoghi Effendi requiring Bahá'ís to disassociate themselves from other churches and political movements; the role of political science in Bahá'í theology; how best to work with non-Bahá'í groups to better society. Articles.
- Provisions for Sexuality in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in the Context of Late Nineteenth Century Sexual Ideologies. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1996-11). On three aspects of sexuality addressed in the Aqdas (and its supplementary Questions and Answers): the abolition of the concept of ritual pollution caused by sexual fluids (semen, menstrual blood); illicit sexual conduct (zina and liwat); and marriage. Articles-unpublished.
- Question of Gender, A: A Forum on the Status of Men in Bahá'í Law. Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles Maneck, Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani, R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, Anthony Lee (1987). Six authors address issues of theology, sociology, law, inheritance, equality, the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, marriage, and feminism raised by John and Linda Walbridge's article "Bahá'í Laws on the Status of Men" (World Order 1984). Articles.
- Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, by John Walbridge: Review. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1996). Reviews.
- Tablet of the Bell (Lawh-i-Naqus), also known as Tablet of Praised be Thou, O He (Subhánika-Yá-hu): Wilmette Institute faculty notes. Stephen Lambden, R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1999). Study.
- Use of Generative Imagery in Shoghi Effendi's Dispensation of Baha'u'llah. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1998-03). Examination of metaphors such as "conception," "offspring," and "seed" in some of the Guardian's writings. Articles-unpublished.