- Minutes of the Fourteenth Session, 1928. Permanent Mandates Commission (1928). Petition to the League of Nations from the Spiritual Assembly of Baghdad regarding confiscation of property. Excerpts.
- Minutes of the Nineteenth Session, 1930. Permanent Mandates Commission (1930). Half-page summary of the current status of "The Bahai Case," stating that no action has yet been taken. Documents.
- Minutes of the Sixteenth Session, 1929. Permanent Mandates Commission (1929). Petition from the Bahai Spiritual Assembly of Baghdad regarding the confiscation of property; measures taken after the Council's decision. Excerpts.
- Minutes of the Twentieth Session, 1931 June. Permanent Mandates Commission (1931). Two-page discussion of the status of "The Bahai Case" regarding confiscation of property in Iraq, possible resolutions, and setting up a "special Committee to consider the views expressed by the Bahai community in respect of certain houses in Baghdad." Documents.
- Minutes of the Twenty-first Session, 1931 October. Permanent Mandates Commission (1931). Report that the League of Nations commission "not yet succeeded in obtaining redress for the Bahai community in respect of the miscarriage of justice of which it was the victim." Documents.
- Minutes of the Twenty-fourth Session, 1933. Permanent Mandates Commission (1933). Report on the "Bahai Case" on the confiscation of houses in Baghdad, stating that "that nothing had as yet been done" though the Iraqi government proposed converting the property into a public space. Documents.
- Minutes of the Twenty-second Session, 1932. Permanent Mandates Commission (1932). On the confiscation of Bahá'u'lláh's house in Baghdad, "the redress of the miscarriage of justice from which the Bahai Community has been the victim has not been carried into effect" because "no measure had yet been taken by the Iraqi Government." Documents.