- Camphor and the Camphor Fountain. Frank Lewis. (1999-04) What is the meaning of the camphor fount — a symbol common in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and the Qur'an — what is its context, and what is the cup tempered there? Essays.
- Discourses of Knowledge. Frank Lewis. (2004) Many statements in the Writings are couched in terms of a particular discourse, or intellectual tradition, for their immediate audience. Understanding context can help evaluate whether any given statement is meant as factual truth or as metaphor. Articles.
- Encyclopedia of Islam and The Muslim World. William F. McCants, John Walbridge, Frank Lewis, et al.. Richard C. Martin, ed. (2004) Articles on Abdu'l-Bahá, the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, Hujjatiya, Persian language and literature, Shaykhism, and Twelver Shi'ism. Encyclopedia.
- "First we speak of logical proofs": Discourse of knowledge in the Bahá'í writings. Frank Lewis (published as Franklin Lewis. (2001) Recovering the intellectual context of particular discourses in the Bahá'í writings can help to evaluate whether a given statement is meant to convey a propositional fact or a rhetorical truth. Articles.
- Iranian Refugees in America: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Frank Lewis, Puran Stevens. (1986) Introduction to Persian culture, history, and customs, designed as an aid in cultural understanding for Americans interacting with Iranian emigrants. Articles.
- Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Notes on the "choice wine". Abdu'l-Bahá, Brent Poirier, Iraj Ayman, Frank Lewis. (2000) Study.
- Mathnaviyí-i Mubárak. Bahá'u'lláh. Frank Lewis, trans. (1999) Provisional translation Translations.
- Overview of the Abjad numerological system. Frank Lewis. (1999-04) Numerological analysis of the word bahá. Essays.
- Poetry as Revelation: Introduction to Bahá'u'lláh's 'Mathnavíy-i Mubárak'. Frank Lewis (published as Franklin Lewis. (1999) On Bahá'u'lláh and the poetic tradition, Sufism, Sufi poetry, and Rumi; rhetorical orientation; date of the poem and history of the text; and interpretation and the translation process. Includes a provisional translation. Articles.
- Scripture as Literature: Sifting through the layers of the text. Frank Lewis. (1997) Literary and religious antecedents to some of the styles and genres of Bahá'í scripture. Articles.
- Short Poem by "Darvísh" Muhammad, Bahá'u'lláh: Sáqí az ghayb-i baqá burqa' bar afkan az 'idhár, A: An Introduction and Three Versions of Provisional English Translations. Frank Lewis. (2001) Three alternative renderings of a translation of one of Baha’u’llah’s early poems, writing during his sojourn in Kurdistan; comments on his poetic work.
- Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 5, ed. Moojan Momen: Review. Frank Lewis. (1999-12) Review of a collection of five articles about various subjects. Reviews.
- Symbol and Secret: Qur'an Commentary in Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Iqan, by Christopher Buck: Review. Frank Lewis. (1996) Reviews.
- Unveiling the Hidden Words, by Diana Malouf: An Extended Review. Frank Lewis. (1998) Book review, and a commentary on the need for Bahá'í academia aimed at a secular audience, and the possibility of updating the Guardian's translations when English evolves in the future. Articles.
- When the Saints Come Marching In: The Art of Bahá'í Biography. Sidney Edward Morrison, Frank Lewis. (1986) Comments on hagiography, including reviews of nine popular Bahá'í biographies. Includes response "In Praise of Saints" by Frank Lewis (from dialogue 1:3). Biographies.