- Coming Age of Humanity and its Implications for Psychotherapy, The. Diane Robinson Kerr. (2013-10) Humanity is undergoing inevitable and revolutionary change. The transition from turbulent adolescence to global maturity especially affects our understanding of human psychology. This thesis examines the impact on psychotherapy in particular. Theses.
- Comparison of God and Soul Concepts from a Bahá'í and Hindu Point of View: Conceptions and Experiences of the Afterlife. Diane Robinson Kerr. (2014) Common ground between Hinduism’s Brahman and the Bahá'í conception of God, and the complex understanding they propose of the soul and Atman. Articles-unpublished.
- Five Pillars of Islam, The. Diane Robinson Kerr. (2014) Summary of the essential precepts of Islam — belief, prayer, zakat, fasting, and pilgrimage — with some reflections from a Bahá'í perspective. Essays.
- Islam and the Bahá'í Faith. Diane Robinson Kerr. (2014) Overview of the core tenets of Islam — belief, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage — with some reflections from a Bahá'í perspective. Essays.
- Life After Death from a Bahá'í Perspective. Diane Robinson Kerr. (2014) Quotations from the Writings with some explanations, to trace the journey of the soul, the purpose of life, description of the afterlife, and the nature of belief itself. Essays.