- First Four Caliphs of Islam, The. Betsy Omidvaran. (2001) Many Bahá’ís know little about Islam, and most of what they do know is based on minority Shi’ism. This overview of the first four caliphs, the "Rightly Guided," will help introduce Sunni Islam. Articles.
- 'His Eminence Mírzá `Abbás Effendi Has Reached the Shores of Alexandria: Abdu'l-Baha in Egypt. Betsy Omidvaran. (2004) Contacts ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had with influential people in Egypt, the impressions he made on them, and the description of his journey there as contained in Century of Light and many other Bahá'í texts and histories. Articles.
- Kitáb-i-Aqdas as a Lens with which to Examine some of the Dilemmas of Modernity, The. Betsy Omidvaran. (2002) Contrast between the Aqdas - the source of laws of future society - and issues of the modern world as it had evolved up to the 19th century. Discussion of Houses of Worship, universal language, financial principles, justice, the Covenant, and unity. Articles.
- Visits of the Hands of the Cause of God to Ireland. Betsy Omidvaran. (2003) An overview of all known visits by the Hands, the highest-ranking officers of the Bahá’í Faith, to Ireland. Review of the many historical sources about this largely-uninvestigated topic. Includes timeline of the visits between 1952 and 1986. Articles.