Messages to the Antipodes: Communications from Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'í Communities of Australasia



January 1942 [Yerrinbool Summer School]


18 January 1942

Hilda Brooks, Care Bolton, 9 Martin Place, Sydney.


26 January 1942 [Ethel Dawe]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

The Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter to him of Jan. 4th.

He hopes that your brother will again be able to visit Haifa, while he is in this part of the world, and that this time he will meet him in person.

Recently, two Australian believers, serving with the army, have been able to visit Haifa, one from Adelaide and one from Sydney. The Guardian was so happy to meet these friends, as the distance is so great between Australia and the Holy Land that few of your members are ever able to make the pilgrimage.

He wishes to assure you that he will pray for your brother, that through your influence and that which he saw and felt here in the Shrines, he will be moved to accept the Cause and lend his aid to the work you yourself are ever so devotedly accomplishing in your service to the Faith.

Though the present outlook seems dark indeed, we must think of the future, and strain every nerve to hasten its advent - that glorious future which the Founders of our Faith have promised us lies ahead of the entire human race!

The Guardian hopes that a day will come when you will again visit Haifa, perhaps with the brother you love so much.

Meantime he assures you of his most loving prayers for your work in the Cause, and your health.

With loving Bahá'í Greetings, ever yours in His Service, R. Rabbani

Dear and valued co-worker:

I wish to add a few words in person & assure you of my great admiration for the spirit that powerfully animates you in your activities, & of my constant prayers for your success & spiritual advancement. You are often in my thoughts, & I hope that the Beloved may, despite the present critical situation, enable you to extend the range of your valued services.

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi

February 1942 [National Spiritual Assembly]


23 February 1942 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Sister,

Your letter, with enclosures of Nov 8th reached the Guardian safely, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

His thoughts and prayers are very often with the Australian Bahá'ís in these difficult and dangerous times. They are now facing a much more acute situation than hitherto. But whatever of trial and affliction the immediate future may hold for them, we know that the destiny of mankind is in the firm grasp of Bahá'u'lláh, and that he will guide it to its ultimate and highest goal. This assurance is more precious than life itself, it is our anchor in every difficulty and trial.

The Guardian was very happy to know that the work in Brisbane is progressing, and that the Cause is more and more coming before the public and reaching the attention of prominent people.

He feels the believers must continue to do their utmost to acquaint their fellow-citizens with the teachings, that they may at least hear of the Bahá'í ideals, whether they are ready to accept them yet or not.

The recent meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly must have been of great benefit to all the members and to the work of the Cause in general. Their responsibility in these days is greater than ever, but Shoghi Effendi feels sure they will be guided and protected and continue to spread and safe-guard the Faith in those distant lands.

He assures you, and all the N.S.A. members, of his deep appreciation for your untiring services and his loving and ardent prayers. He will beseech for you all blessings and protection in the Holy Shrines.

With loving Bahá'í greetings,

Yours in His service, R. Rabbani

Dear and valued co-workers,

As the difficulties and problems facing the valiant and high-minded supporters and upholders of the Faith in Australia and New Zealand multiply, my thoughts and prayers turn increasingly towards them in loving admiration for the work they have performed and will continue to perform in the future. Adversity, in whatever form, will, I feel confident, now that they have laid an unassailable basis for the Faith, in their hearts and through their institutions, serve to heighten the ardour of their devotion and reinforce the foundation of their spiritual community life. They should persevere, redouble their efforts, close their ranks, intensify their individual as well as collective teaching activities, and defend even more tenaciously and courageously the tenets, claims and institutions of their Faith. Measureless blessings will crown their exertions if they persevere and face heroically the challenge, the problems and the perplexities of the present hour.

Your true brother, Shoghi

23 February 1942 [Bertha Dobbins]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of 11th was received and read with great satisfaction by the Guardian. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was most happy to hear of the wonderful spirit prevailing in Yerrinbool. This experience will no doubt be a great comfort to you and the other believers who were there. Especially in view of the difficult and dangerous times which Australia is now passing through.

How many times the beloved Master told us that our lives, our love, and our unity, would be the greatest source of attraction to seekers! It is also our own source of protection and happiness.

Shoghi Effendi hopes that the dear Australian friends will grow day by day more united, and mirror forth the spirit of the Faith in such wise as to set their great homeland ablaze.

The Boltons have, indeed, rendered the Cause a great service in providing this ideal school for them.

In these dark times the Bahá'ís must cling to each other and to their beloved Faith, assured that whatever sufferings they, and indeed the whole world, endure, the outcome is assured and the future glorious.

His prayers are with you all, and he hopes that the dear Adelaide friends will greatly benefit by their trip to Yerrinbool, and lend a new impetus to their work at home.

Assuring you personally of his most loving prayers for the success of your devoted labours in service to the Faith, and with Bahá'í greetings,

Yours in His service, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved guide & sustain you in these days of suffering distress & trial, and enable you & your dear co-workers in those troubled regions to persevere in your task, extend the sphere of your activities, & render the Faith still greater & nobler services,

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi

18 April 1942 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Sister,

The Guardian has instructed me to answer your two letters of Jan.15th and 24th, and to acknowledge the receipt of the enclosed letter of Mrs. Dunn.

He was delighted to learn that the New Zealand members were able to make the trip to Australia, and that such a highly satisfactory N.S.A. meeting was held, in such a spirit of love and harmony. No doubt this experience will prove of great value, not only to the National Assembly, but also to the work of the Cause in the days to come.

Regarding the various matters you refer to in your letters: The Guardian highly approves of the very kind and helpful arrangements made by Dr. Bolton, by which his property at Yerrinbool will pass to the Faith at his death and be used, according to the requirements of a future date, as dictated by the discretion of the N.S.A. It is better that the believers, subject to the judgements of the N.S.A., be left free to select any spot that will prove most convenient for the majority for the summer-schools.

Regarding the Summer-Schools in general; although there is no objection to their being under the direct management of a special committee elected for that purpose, they must be generally supervised by the N.S.A. in respect to policy, etc. In other words they must be considered as a national and not a purely local institution.

For purposes of convenience the N.S.A. may appoint as members of such Committees, those who are situated near the Summer-Schools and are able to pay direct attention to their affairs.

Concerning individual Bahá'ís' letters to the Guardian and his replies; the friends are free to write to the Guardian when they feel the urge to do so. However, for the believers to suppose that the Guardian's letters to them, however full of loving encouragement they may be, give them any special powers or authority to go against or ignore the wishes of their Local or National Assembly, is to grossly misinterpret his true meaning. The Guardian has been at great pains to build up the administrative order and teach the friends how to use it. How could he possibly himself act in such a way as to ignore or belittle the functions of these bodies? He often encourages believers to work, to teach, to pursue some plan they propose in their letters to him but this does not mean a veto of the Assembly's rights, or that the individual thus becomes free to ignore its authority. He trusts this will make the matter quite plain to the friends.

Regarding the matter of Mother Dunn's letter; the N.S.A., will, he feels sure, do all in their power to allay the fears of Mother Dunn and smooth out any misunderstandings that may arise. He feels, however, that you should point out to Mother Dunn that if, at any future date, the believers of Australia and New Zealand should wish to remove the remains of Father Dunn and herself to a beautiful site in a Bahá'í cemetery, or any other chosen spot, they cannot do it without some legal authorization. Just at present, after an infinite amount of red tape being gotten through, the Egyptian N.S.A. has at last succeeded in getting arrangements made for the transfer of Lua Getsinger's and Mírzá 'Abu'l-Fadl's bodies to the new Bahá'í Cemetery. It is to ensure success and save trouble in the future, that your Assembly is asking her to delegate certain powers to it in this matter. He feels sure she will cooperate fully when she understands the matter.

In view of the criticalness of the times, the great issues facing the entire human race, and the uncertainty of what perils and trials may yet remain ahead of us to be endured, the Guardian feels that the sooner Father Dunn's memorial is erected the better. Mother Dunn may rest assured in her heart that future believers of Australia will know how to honour ahd cherish dear Father Dunn's grave; for the time being, though, it seems to him it would be wise to complete whatever arrangements are under way as speedily as possible, subject, of course, to her acceptance, as he does not want her to be distressed or unhappy over this matter.

The Guardian would be very glad to receive as soon as possible photographs of Father Dunn's grave upon its completion, to be placed in the Mansion of Bahá'u'lláh at Bahjí.

He assures you all that he feels the greatest confidence in your ability to aid the believers of Australia and New Zealand to weather all storms during the dark days we are passing through. The friends of those two countries have amply displayed their deep loyalty to the Faith, their profound dedication to its Divine Mission, their adherence to its laws and institutions. He always thinks of them with a heart at rest and feelings of deep affection.

Rest assured that his loving prayers will continue to be offered on their behalf, and for you and your fellow members of the N.S.A., who are serving with such devotion and self-sacrifice the Holy Faith.

With warm Bahá'í Greetings and love, R. Rabbani.

Dear beloved friends,

The spirit manifested by the radiant supporters of the Faith in Australia and New Zealand is most encouraging, highly meritorious, and truly exemplary. The work they have achieved, the plans they are devising, the hopes they cherish for the future, fill me with admiration and evoke my deepest gratitude. The Beloved will assuredly continue to illumine their path, to sustain their efforts, and to bless their accomplishments in these days of unprecedented stress, anxiety, and peril. I will continue to supplicate for them all his abundant and imperishable blessings.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

20 April 1942 [Clara Dunn]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter to the Guardian of Feb. 2nd, as well as the copy of your letter to one of the friends, was received last night, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He quite understands how you have felt undecided as to the right course of action for you to take in the matter of giving the N.S.A. of Australia and New Zealand legal rights over the body of dear Father Dunn. However, he feels you need not hesitate to take this step, and thus empower that Assembly, at some future date, to remove his remains to some other spot, more especially so, as your son has no objection to this arrangement.

Such matters can so easily be arranged when people are living, but if they are not provided for it becomes a most laborious, and, in some cases, almost impossible task, once they have passed on.

It is only natural that the Bahá'ís of that Continent should, at some future date, wish to place Father Dunn's body in the midst of a purely Bahá'í cemetery. This transfer will be greatly facilitated by your giving them the legal right at present, for both his and your own transfer.

We cannot, of course, at present foresee the nature of future events. But we can be absolutely sure that, as time passes and the glory of the Faith rises up for all the world to see, the love and respect the various Bahá'í communities feel for their pioneers, their teachers, and outstanding figures, will increase. Therefore, the Guardian feels that it is only right that the Bahá'ís should possess the power to place you and your dear husband, gone before you, wherever they feel your graves will be of greatest service to the Faith. This of course is subject to you yourself feeling perfectly happy to give them this right.

The Guardian never forgets dear Father Dunn. His thoughts, too, are often with you, and his prayers are offered on your behalf, that you may go on serving the beloved Faith for many years to come.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

P.S. The Guardian, a few days ago, sent a letter in answer to the N.S.A.'s letter to him in which they stated you were writing to him about this matter direct. He advised them just what he is advising you in this letter, that he approves of their having the legal rights required if you are content to give them those rights.

Dear & valued co-worker,

I wish to express again my deep sense of sympathy for the great loss which you & all the friends have sustained, through the passing of so distinguished a servant of Bahá'u'lláh. The work he has performed will adorn the annals of God's immortal Faith.

I am thankful for, & feel proud of his unique services & will pray for his soul that it may be richly & eternally blessed by Bahá'u'lláh. Rest assured & be happy.


31 May 1942

Bahá'í youth of Hobart

Dear Bahá'í friends:

The Guardian was both surprised and pleased to receive your Naw-RÏz greetings, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

To know that there is now, far off in Tasmania, an active and devoted group of young Bahá'ís, delighted him. It shows what life and vitality is in this Faith that at such a time, far from weakening or being temporarily eclipsed by the terrible tragedies taking place in the world at present, it is growing and spreading and striking new roots all over the world!

The task facing the young Bahá'ís in particular, is very great. For they are the ones who, with their fellow youth the world over, will be called upon after the war to help build the future, and we are assured that a future without the Bahá'í principles to guide it, will be as unsound and fruitless as post-war reconstruction since 1918 has proved to be. Therefore the Guardian hopes you will seek to gain a sound and profound knowledge of the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, and endeavour to perfect yourselves as Bahá'ís, so that when the time is ripe you will be able to play your full part in the spiritual leadership of men.

He will pray for you all, that you may attain this goal and worthily acquit yourselves of your sacred tasks in the days to come.

Yours in His service, with Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

11 July 1942 [National Spiritual Assembly]


28 July 1942 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Hilda Brooks, Care Dr. Bolton, 9 Martin Place, Sydney.


15 August 1942 [James Heggie]

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of April 12th was received safely, and the Guardian was very happy to see you had gotten back safely to Australia. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

It was indeed a great blessing for you that you should have been able, during this world war, to reach the Shores of the Holy Land and make the Bahá'í pilgrimage, even though your time was necessarily short. He hopes someday you will again visit Haifa and spend more time.

The difficulties and problems you mention in your letter are ones with which the Guardian is familiar, and he certainly does not mind your mentioning them. On the contrary, he appreciates hearing about them first hand, and is glad you felt free to write to him. This is as it should be.

The believers, when few in numbers especially, find themselves called upon to take part in a system infinitely beyond their own personal stage of development. The laws and principles of the Cause are designed to embrace the planet itself; how can they possibly, at the inception of their practice, work smoothly with a mere handful of people, however sincere and zealous they may be? Especially as most of the believers the world over at present are adults who change into Bahá'ís, and not people who from childhood have known no other outlook except the exalted outlook the teachings bring.


The difficulties you mention exist more or less everywhere. But as the numbers of the Bahá'ís increase and the Bahá'ís themselves become more spiritually mature, all these small but regrettable characteristics of community life will gradually disappear.

Of course the letters of the Guardian, as he has pointed out in a recent letter to the N.S.A., could never confer on any individual a power or function higher than that of the Spiritual Assembly - an institution he himself has been at the greatest pains to establish! It is very unfortunate that anyone should so misinterpret the spirit and meaning of his letters.

He assures you he will continue to remember you in his prayers, and he cherishes great hopes for your future services to our beloved Faith.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless you and sustain you in your devoted labours for the promotion of our beloved Faith, and may He aid you to demonstrate by your life and deeds the vitalizing spirit of our glorious Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

18 September 1942 [Silver Jackman]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your welcome letter of May 16th has just reached the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was delighted to hear that the Cause in Adelaide is making such good progress, and that many new and fine souls have embraced the Faith there.

He was also very happy to hear Jim Heggie has been with you all and is so active in helping the friends all he can and in starting a youth group. He is a very fine young Bahá'í, and the Guardian enjoyed meeting him very much. He hopes in the future many more of the Australian & New Zealand friends will be able to visit Haifa.

The Cause is still in its infancy, and when one remembers this, and all it has had to contend with in the line of persecution and oppression for almost a hundred years, it is indeed a miracle that in such widely distant lands as South America and Australia, Europe, and Asia, there should be flourishing centres of devoted and active and growing believers, growing not only in numbers but in deep understanding of and devotion to the Faith.

The Guardian encloses a receipt for your most generous donation to the International Fund, forwarded on behalf of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand, which he deeply appreciates.

He was pleased to see the photograph you sent of your house where you hold Bahá'í receptions and meetings, and he hopes your devoted labours to promote the Faith will meet with ever-increasing success.

Assuring you of his loving prayers and his deep appreciation of your services to the Cause of God in Australia, and with Bahá'í love and greetings,

yours truly, R. Rabbani

P.S. The Guardian hopes that your desire to have your house become Bahá'í property will some day be realized. He deeply appreciates your intention and motive in this matter.

May the Almighty bless you & your dear co-workers who are so valiantly, so devotedly, & so effectively furthering the vital and manifold interests of His Faith, & may He enable you to fulfil your dearest hopes in His service.

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi

(date unknown)


14 October 1942

Antionette, Mariette, Stanley and John Bolton, "Bolton Place", Yerrinbool, N.S.W. Australia.

Dear Bahá'í friends,

Your letter dated August 9, as well as the lovely little book of the "Hidden Words" which you so kindly made for the Guardian and me, just arrived.

The Guardian wants me to thank you on his behalf for this thoughtful and beautiful gift of love which you have sent, and I thank you too for it. You printed it very well indeed!

He was also very happy to hear of the success of the childrens' class in Yerrinbool and that so many attended it.

You Bahá'í children and young people have both great privileges and great obligations ahead of you, for your generation will be the ones to help build up a new, better and more beautiful world after the dark years of this war are passed. You should prepare yourselves for this great task by trying to grasp the true meaning of the teachings and not just merely accepting them as something you are taught. They are like a wonderful new world of thought just beginning to be explored, and when we realize that Bahá'u'lláh has brought teachings and laws for a thousand years to come, we can readily see that each new generation may find some greater meaning in the writings than the ones gone before did.

Give the Guardian's love to your dear parents whom he often remembers in his prayers.

He will pray for all of you, that you may grow up to render the Faith many wonderful services in the days to come. With Bahá'í love, Yours in His Service, Ruhiyyih Rabbani

May the Almighty richly bless your expanding activities, guide every step you take, cheer and sustain you in these days of stress and peril, and aid you to extend the range of your present and future services.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

30 November 1942

Mrs Mariette Bolton, Yerrinbool, N.S.W. Australia.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of Aug.13th. has just been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was delighted with all the good news your letter conveyed of the progress of the Cause in those parts, especially the formation of the two study classes you are teaching in Caringbah and North Shore line. Study classes are, obviously, of the utmost importance, and he sees you are getting good publicity in connection with them.

It is a great loss, no doubt, to your community to have lost five believers so recently. But their devotion remains to strengthen the Faith, and no doubt other souls will be confirmed and arise to carry on the work they began.

He was very pleased to hear that dear Mother Dunn is well, and all the time helping the friends, and he assures you his prayers will be offered for the teaching work you and the other friends are so actively and devotedly carrying on.

As you already know, he considers the Australian and New Zealand Bahá'ís have a great future in the Cause, and they should feel very happy and optimistic over their work and its potentialities.

He will pray for all those whom you mention in your letter particularly for your brother and your dear self and family,

Assuring you always of his loving prayers and his deep appreciation of your services to the Faith,

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May our Lord and Master guide every step you take, reinforce every effort you exert, consolidate every work you achieve and every victory you win, in the service and for the glory of His Faith.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

26 December 1942 [Yerrinbool Bahá'í Group]

Dear Bahá'í friends:

Your letter of Sep. 1st has just been received recently, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He is delighted to see the zeal and determination that fires you in your patient labours to spread the Cause of God among your townsmen in Yerrinbool, and he hopes your efforts will be crowned by the successful establishment of a Spiritual Assembly there by 1944.

Regarding your question concerning membership in Bahá'í Communities: a person is the member of the community where his official residence is established, regardless of how much time he may spend visiting elsewhere. Wherever the local Government would consider to be the legal residence of a person, that would be what we would accept also as his official residence.

His loving prayers will continue to surround you all in your devoted labours for the beloved Faith.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Dear co-workers:

I am delighted to receive your most encouraging message, and I wish to assure you in person of my special prayers for the increase of your numbers & the realization of your dearest hopes. Persevere in your noble efforts, & be happy and assured.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

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