Kitáb-i-Íqán 139

shall they return." (1) Also in another instance He saith: "They who held it as certain that they must meet God, said, `How oft, by God's will, hath a small host vanquished a numerous host!'" (2) In yet another instance He revealeth: "Let him then who hopeth to attain the presence of his Lord work a righteous work." (3) And also He saith: "He ordereth all things. He maketh His signs clear, that ye may have firm faith in attaining the presence of your Lord." (4)

This people have repudiated all these verses, that unmistakably testify to the reality of "attainment unto the Divine Presence." No theme hath been more emphatically asserted in the holy scriptures. Notwithstanding, they have deprived themselves of this lofty and most exalted rank, this supreme and glorious station. Some have contended that by "attainment unto the Divine Presence" is meant the "Revelation" of God in the Day of Resurrection. Should they assert that the "Revelation" of God signifieth a "Universal Revelation," it is clear and evident that such revelation already existeth in all things. The truth of this We have already

1. Qur'án 2:46.
2. Qur'án 2:249.
3. Qur'án 18:111.
4. Qur'án 13:2.