The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh
Part II--From the Persian
Out of the wastes of nothingness, with the clay
of My command I made thee to appear, and
have ordained for thy training every atom in
existence and the essence of all created things.
Thus, ere thou didst issue from thy mother's
womb, I destined for thee two founts of gleaming
milk, eyes to watch over thee, and hearts to love
thee. Out of My loving-kindness, 'neath the shade
of My mercy I nurtured thee, and guarded thee
by the essence of My grace and favor. And My
purpose in all this was that thou mightest attain
My everlasting dominion and become worthy of
My invisible bestowals. And yet heedless thou
didst remain, and when fully grown, thou didst
neglect all My bounties and occupied thyself with
thine idle imaginings, in such wise that thou didst
become wholly forgetful, and, turning away from
the portals of the Friend didst abide within the
courts of My enemy.
The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh
Part II--From the Persian
pages 32-33
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