The Promise of World Peace

Index by Opening Phrase
  The Great Peace towards which people of good will throughout the centuries have ...
  Whether peace is to be reached only after unimaginable horrors precipitated by humanity's ...
  Among the favourable signs are the steadily growing strength of the steps towards ...
  The scientific and technological advances occurring in this unusually blessed century portend a ...
  It is out of a deep sense of spiritual and moral duty that ...
  "The winds of despair", Bahá'u'lláh wrote, "are, alas, blowing from every direction, and ...
  With the entrenchment of this view, a paralyzing contradiction has developed in human ...
  As the need for peace becomes more urgent, this fundamental contradiction, which hinders ...
  To choose such a course is not to deny humanity's past but to ...
  A candid acknowledgement that prejudice, war and exploitation have been the expression of ...
  Whatever suffering and turmoil the years immediately ahead may hold, however dark the ...
  The endowments which distinguish the human race from all other forms of life ...
  No serious attempt to set human affairs aright, to achieve world peace, can ...
  Writing of religion as a social force, Bahá'u'lláh said: "Religion is the greatest ...
  If, therefore, humanity has come to a point of paralyzing conflict it must ...
  The teaching that we should treat others as we ourselves would wish to ...
  Had humanity seen the Educators of its collective childhood in their true character, ...
  The resurgence of fanatical religious fervour occurring in many lands cannot be regarded ...
  However vital a force religion has been in the history of mankind, and ...
  How tragic is the record of the substitute faiths that the worldly-wise of ...
  The time has come when those who preach the dogmas of materialism, whether ...
  Most particularly, it is in the glorification of material pursuits, at once the ...
  That materialistic ideals have, in the light of experience, failed to satisfy the ...
  Those who care for the future of the human race may well ponder ...
  Banning nuclear weapons, prohibiting the use of poison gases, or outlawing germ warfare ...
  Certainly, there is no lack of recognition by national leaders of the world-wide ...
  The tentative steps towards world order, especially since World War II, give hopeful signs. ...
  The increasing attention being focused on some of the most deep-rooted problems ...
  Racism, one of the most baneful and persistent evils, is a major barrier ...
  The inordinate disparity between rich and poor, a source of acute suffering, keeps ...
  Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate patriotism, must give way ...
  Religious strife, throughout history, has been the cause of innumerable wars and conflicts, ...
  The emancipation of women, the achievement of full equality between the sexes, is ...
  The cause of universal education, which has already enlisted in its service an ...
  A fundamental lack of communication between peoples seriously undermines efforts towards ...
  Two points bear emphasizing in all these issues. One is that the abolition ...
  There are spiritual principles, or what some call human values, by which solutions ...
  The primary question to be resolved is how the present world, with its ...
  World order can be founded only on an unshakeable consciousness of the oneness ...
  Acceptance of the oneness of mankind is the first fundamental prerequisite for reorganization ...
  In the Bahá'í view, recognition of the oneness of mankind "calls for no less ...
  Elaborating the implications of this pivotal principle, Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the ...
  The achievement of such ends requires several stages in the adjustment of national ...
  The predominant aspects of this problem had already emerged in the nineteenth century ...
  A world community in which all economic barriers will have been permanently demolished ...
  The implementation of these far-reaching measures was indicated by Bahá'u'lláh: "The time ...
  The courage, the resolution, the pure motive, the selfless love of one people ...
  Concerning the proceedings for this world gathering, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of Bahá'u'lláh and ...
  The holding of this mighty convocation is long overdue.
  With all the ardour of our hearts, we appeal to the leaders of ...
  Will not the United Nations, with the full support of its membership, rise ...
  Let men and women, youth and children everywhere recognize the eternal merit of ...
  The source of the optimism we feel is a vision transcending the cessation ...
  Disunity is a danger that the nations and peoples of the earth can ...
  All contemporary forces of change validate this view. The proofs can be discerned ...
  The experience of the Bahá'í community may be seen as an example of ...
  In contemplating the supreme importance of the task now challenging the entire world, ...
  We hold firmly the conviction that all human beings have been created "to ...
  At this writing, the expectant voices of Bahá'ís can be heard despite the ...
  In the earnestness of our desire to impart to you the fervour of ...

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