THE revelation of the Divine Reality hath everlastingly
been identical with its concealment and its concealment
identical with its revelation. That which is intended by
`Revelation of God' is the Tree of divine Truth that betokeneth
none but Him, and it is this divine Tree that hath
raised and will raise up Messengers, and hath revealed and
will ever reveal Scriptures. From eternity unto eternity this
Tree of divine Truth hath served and will ever serve as the
throne of the revelation and concealment of God among
His creatures, and in every age is made manifest through
whomsoever He pleaseth. At the time of the revelation of
He hath everlastingly existed and will everlastingly continue to exist. He hath been and will ever remain inscrutable unto all men, inasmuch as all else besides Him have been and shall ever be created through the potency of His command. He is exalted above every mention or praise and is sanctified beyond every word of commendation or every comparison. No created thing comprehendeth Him, while He in truth comprehendeth all things. Even when it is said `no created thing comprehendeth Him', this refers to the Mirror of His Revelation, that is Him Whom God shall make manifest. Indeed too high and exalted is He for anyone to allude unto Him.
II, 8.