- Bahá'í, by Michael Karlberg (2009-11). — Bahá’ís recognize nature as an expression of God’s will, view science and religion as comple...
- Baha'i Faith and the Environment, The, by Richard Landau (2002). — Participation of the Baha'i International Community in UN-sponsored development and environmental in...
- Bahá'í Village Granary, The: Spiritual Underpinnings and Applications to North America, by Peter Calkins, Benoit Girard (1998). — A village granary helps lay the systemic foundations of Baha’u’llah’s spiritualized new world ...
- Challenges of Sustainable Development, by Augusto Lopez-Carlos (2012). — Economic growth contributes to global prosperity, but it may conflict with environmental constraints...
- Ciudadanía Mundial: Ética Global Para El Desarrollo Sostenible, by Bahá'í International Community (1993-06-14). — Comunidades Sostenibles en un Mundo Integrante
- Collective Consciousness, Human Maturity, and the Challenge of Sustainability: Response, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (2009-08-14). — Response to presentations "The Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World" by Peter...
- Comunidades Sostenibles en un Mundo Integrante, by Bahá'í International Community (1996-06-03). — Enunciado presentó por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i a la Conferencia sobre Domicilios Humanos ...
- Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible en la Fe Bahá'í, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-05).
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Success, by Marcello Palazzi, George Starcher (1998). — How social responsibility can contribute to competitiveness and success.
- Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í ante la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Relación Entre el Desarme y el Desarrollo, by Bahá'í International Community (1987-08/1987-09). — El Año Internacional de la Mujer. Nueva York, Nueva York, 24 de agosto-11 de septiembre de 1987
- Economic Prosperity: A Global Imperative, by Mary Fish (1997). — Economic growth does not necessarily enhance human welfare. The Prosperity of Humankind recognizes t...
- El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espíritu Humano, by Bahá'í International Community (1992-06). — El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espiritu Humano, presentado Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, junio de 1992.
- El Papel de la religión en el desarrollo social, by Bahá'í International Community (1994-09). — Comentarios al borrador de la Declaración y Programa de Acción para el desarrollo social. Presenta...
- Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World, The, by Peter Adriance (2009-08-14).
- Examination of the Environmental Crisis, by Chris Jones Kavelin (2001). — With a specific focus on the balance between the instrumental and intrinsic value of nature from a B...
- Hacia un modelo de desarrollo para el siglo XXI, by Bahá'í International Community (1994). — Hacia un modelo de desarrollo para el siglo XXI.
- Individual Bahá'í Perspective on Spiritual Aspects of Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development: Towards a Second Enlightenment, by Chris Jones Kavelin (2008). — This paper discusses the spiritual value of cultural diversity and explores how such reflection impa...
- Legislación Internacional para el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, by Bahá'í International Community (1991-08). — Una declaraciòn presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i al Comité Preparatorio para la Co...
- Management of Small Rural Businesses: Some Views of the European Bahá'í Business Forum, by Michel P. Zahrai (1998). — The challenge and benefits of restoring pride in rural non-farm businesses.
- Millennium Forum, by Universal House of Justice (2000-09-24).
- New Framework for Global Prosperity, A, by Bahá'í International Community (2006-01). — Baha'i International Community's submission to the 2006 Commission on Social Development on the revi...
- Philosophical Basis for the Centre for Renewable Energy at Dundalk Institute of Technology, A, by Lawrence D. Staudt (2003). — Nature of the physical world, the principle of sustainability, the present energy situation, options...
- Principle of the Oneness of Humankind, The: Strong Foundationalism, Non-Adversarialism, and the Imperatives of Our Time, by Filip Boicu (2022). — Some of the ways in which the concept of globalization has been framed in the recent past; the visio...
- Prosperity of Humankind, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-03-03). — A statement prepared by the Baha'i International Community Office of Public Information, Haifa, firs...
- Role of Business in Enhancing The Prosperity of Humankind, The, by William Walker, Jane Nelson, Matthew Weinberg George Starcher, ed. (2001). — Three articles about exploring and implementing concepts from Prosperity of Humankind, including bui...
- Spiritual Dimensions of Microfinance, The: Towards a Just Civilization and Sustainable Economy, by Barbara J. Rodey (2001). — Prepared for the Microcredit Summit to emphasize the importance of universal spiritual principles to...
- Spiritual Dimensions of Sustainable Development, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (1996-03). — The many meanings of "development" and their spiritual aspects.
- Strengthening Solidarity: Social Cohesion as a Driver of Development, by Bahá'í International Community (2025-01-22). — A statement to the 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development: Social cohesion, grounded ...
- Sustainable Consumption and True Prosperity, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (1998-11). — The problems of consumption and their solutions.
- Sustainable Development and Prosperity, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (2001-10-27). — The goal of development is to achieve prosperity, but prosperity has multiple dimensions, it’s not...
- Sustainable Development and the Environment of the World: An Overview, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (1997-10).
- Sustainable Development, A Bahá'í View: Warwick Leaflets, by Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop (1995).
- The Lab, the Temple, and the Market: Reflections at the Intersection of Science, Religion, and Development, Sharon M. P. Harper, ed. (2000). — Essays on what faith, science, and international development have to offer one another; how religion...
- Unity and Consultation: Foundations of Sustainable Development, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1994).