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Tag "Singing"

tag name: Singing type: Arts
web link: Singing
related tags: - Music
referring tags: Chanting; Choirs; Songs

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  1. African Culture, Traditional, Aspects of, by Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (1998-12) Challenges and opportunities in the African continent; eliminating prejudices; dance and music; alcohol; hunting; initiation rites; the supernatural; tribal leadership; status of women.
  2. Cultural Diversity in the Age of Maturity, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2000)
  3. Divine Melody: Song of the Mystic Dove, Lorraine Hetu Manifold, comp. (2022) Selections from the Writings that refer to the Word of God as music emanating from the mystic dove or the Nightingale of Paradise, and the Divine Word as a melody calling for us to spread the Word in song and praise.
  4. Fifteen Steps to Becoming a Skilled Choral Singer, by Lorraine Hetu Manifold. (2024) On Abdu'l-Bahá's exhortations to bring music to the highest stage of development: 15 techniques for improving one's own skill, both as an individual and as a member of a choir, written by an experienced conductor.
  5. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996)
  6. Music Lyrics, Singing, and Dancing at Feast, by Universal House of Justice. (1994-03) Bahá'ís may incorporate music, singing, and dancing into the spiritual portions of the community devotional meetings.
  7. Sacred Refrains: Arabic and Persian Dhikrs in the Bahá'í Community, by Margaret Caton. (2024) introduction to dhikr (remembrances) and the use of music in Bahá'í spiritual practices; 74 recordings from 58 sacred texts, including original Arabic and Persian languages with English translation, music transcription, and historical context.
  8. Universality of the Laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, The, by Bijan Samali. (1996) The laws of the Aqdas focus on the individual; are applicable to everyone; facilitate the realisation of the oneness of human race; ensure the equality of the sexes; are adaptable to cultural diversities; and call for the elimination of all prejudices.
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