- Archives, Bahá'í: Preserving and Safeguarding the Sacred Texts, by Universal House of Justice (1993 Fall). — Includes estimated numbers of Tablets revealed, and numbers of Tablets archived at the Baha'i World ...
- Archives, Bahá'í: Guidance Regarding, by Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Bahá'í International Archives, comp. (n.d.).
- Báb in Shiraz, The: An Account by Mírzá Habíbu'lláh Afnán, Ahang Rabbani, ed. and trans. (2008). — Recollections of the early years of the Bab and his family, and the times following his declaration;...
- Baron Rosen's Archive Collection of Bábí and Bahá'í Materials, by Youli A. Ioannesyan (2007). — Baron V. R. Rosen's unpublished materials relating to Babi and Baha'i studies, including his corresp...
- Catalogue and Description of 27 Bábí Manuscripts, by E. G. Browne (1892-07). — Categorization, descriptions, and excerpts of 27 manuscripts by the Bab, Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, a...
- Catalogue and Description of 27 Bábí Manuscripts 2 (Continued from Page 499), by E. G. Browne (1892-10). — Categorization, descriptions, and excerpts of 27 manuscripts by the Bab, Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, a...
- Development of the Babi/Bahá'í Communities, The: Exploring Baron Rosen's Archives, by Youli A. Ioannesyan (2013). — 19th-century private letters and diplomatic correspondence from a prominent Russian scholar, one of ...
- Dutch Library Holdings, Sen McGlinn, comp. (2000). — Complete list of items relating to Babi or Baha'i studies in multiple languages, housed in the three...
- Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
- Eshraghieh and Mahmoud Rabbani Collection, by Bosch Bahá'í School library Robert Stauffer, comp. (1998). — Arabic and Persian books, tablets, and manuscripts held at the Bosch Baha'i School library.
- Iranian National Bahá'í Archives (INBA), by Various (1976-1978). — 105 volumes of Baha'i writings and manuscripts, compiled before the Islamic revolution in Iran by th...
- Juan Cole manuscript and book collection: Shaykhi, Babi, and Baha'i texts, Juan Cole, comp. (1997). — Manuscripts and books in Cole's library and selected Iranian National Baha'i Archive contents.
- Library and Archival Resources at the Bahá'í World Centre, by William P. Collins (1985:12). — Overview of the nature of the Baha'i World Centre; historical resources at the BWC; Centre for the S...
- Persian Manuscript of Nabíl's History (Táríkh-i-Nabíl), The, by Universal House of Justice (2009-03-08). — Answers to various questions, including: have any publications made use of the original manuscript u...
- Persian/Arabic Bahá'í Books in the Library of Ahang Rabbani, Ahang Rabbani, comp. (1999). — Private library of Persian and Arabic sacred writings and other Baha'i-related material.
- Primary Source Texts, Access to, by Universal House of Justice, Susan Maneck (1998-12-30). — One scholar's query why the Baha'i World Centre's copies of primary sources in Babi and Baha'i histo...
- Publishing, Bahá'í, Memorandum on: Materials to be Deposited with the Bahá'í World Centre Library, by Bahá'í International Archives, Universal House of Justice (1998/2000). — Overview of Literature Review, publishing, translations, and details of the requirement of sending c...
- Sources for Early Bábí Doctrine and History, The: A Survey, by Denis MacEoin (1992). — Thorough, annotated list of writings and sources relevant to Baha'i historical research. Includes in...
- Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History, by Denis MacEoin: Some Notes, by Grover Gonzales (2022).
- St. Petersburg 19th Century Orientalist Collection of Materials on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, The: Primary and Other Sources, by Youli A. Ioannesyan (2006). — The important work of Russian scholars up to 1917 in collecting Babi and Baha’i materials; a detai...
- Text and Context in the Bahá'í Heroic Age, by Nader Saiedi (2014). — A series of 12 talks by Nader Saiedi exploring Baha'i history, key writings, and the need for schola...
- Transnational Bahá'í Print Culture: Community Formation and Religious Authority, 1890-1921, by Farzin Vejdani (2012-12). — Explores how Baha’is used print culture (1890–1921) for community-building, scriptural canonizat...
- Various Books: 7 Books, Articles for Download, by E. G. Browne (1892-2013). — Titles include: Catalogue of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts, India; Reign of Terror at Tabriz; Muham...
- Writings, Bahá'í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding, by Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi Bahá'í International Archives, comp. (2003).