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Tag "Karbala, Iraq"

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"Karbala, Iraq" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (5 results; expand)

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  1. Earliest Published Mention of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths in the West: Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung April 8, 1845, by Author unknown (1845-04-08). — Clippings from the newspaper Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (1805 Freiburg – 1859 Leipzig), April 8 1...
  2. Early Shaykhí Reactions to the Báb and His Claims, by Denis MacEoin (1982). — On the first years of interaction and conflict between the Shaykhi School and the emerging Babi move...
  3. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  4. 'Indian Money' and the Shi'i Shrine Cities of Iraq, 1786-1850, by Juan Cole (1986-10). — On the political economy of the Shi'i shrine cities of Iraq, theological and pilgrimage centers whic...
  5. Mafia, Mob and Shiism in Iraq: The Rebellion of Ottoman Karbala 1824-1843, by Juan Cole, Moojan Momen (1986). — On the role of gangs in urban social history of the 19-century Ottoman empire; with a decline in gov...

2.   from the Chronology (29 results; expand)

  1. 1831-00-00 — At the age of 12 Mulla Husayn finished his studies in Bushihr and went to Mashhad, the most prestigi...
  2. 1841-00-00 — Siyyid `Ali Muhammad (the Bab) went Karbala where He attended the lectures of Siyyid Kazim-i-Rashti,...
  3. 1843-01-10 — The sacking of the holy city of Karbala at the hands of the Turks. Thousands of its citizens were ki...
  4. 1843-12-31 — Passing of Siyyid Kazim-i-Rashti, the disciple and self-proclaimed successor of Shaykh Ahmad, in Kar...
  5. 1844-01-10 — The arrival of Tahirih in Karbila. She had learned of the views of Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kazim and...
  6. 1844-01-22 — Mulla Husayn returned to Karbila after a journey of two years in Persia. He had been on a mission in...
  7. 1844-08-11 — The Bab sent Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami to Najaf and Karbala to proclaim His Cause among the Shaykhis. In...
  8. 1844-10-02 — The Bab departed from Búshihr on His pilgrimage. [Bab57; MH119, 121, GPB9] He instructed His f...
  9. 1845-01-00 — Crowds gathered in Karbala in response to the Bab's summons, among them was Tahirih. [BabI62; BBRSM1...
  10. 1845-08-00 — In Karbala Tahirih revived the remnant of the Babi community. She was considered a part of the radic...
  11. 1845-08-00 — The Bab was released to the custody of His uncle, Haji Mirza Siyyid 'Ali. [DB151, LTDT13] Bab was...
  12. 1845-12-30 — The Bab's birthday fell on the first day of the mourning observance for the Imam Husayn. Tahirih, wh...
  13. 1846-00-03 — Tahirih was sent back to Baghdad from Karbala. She was lodged first in the house of Shaykh Muhammad ...
  14. 1846-12-02 — Tahirih provoked disturbances in Karbala. Her radical interpretation of Babism and her assumption of...
  15. 1847-07-00 — The people of Mah-Kú show markeded hostility to the Bab on His arrival. Later they were won over by...
  16. 1848-07-01 — Quddús was arrested and taken to Sari where he was placed under house arrest in the home of Mirza M...
  17. 1849-08-01 — Death of Haji Mirza Áqasi at Karbala. [Bab147; BBD19; BBR156] The Bab, in a letter to the Shah c...
  18. 1850-00-00 — Birth of Mirza `Ali-Muhammad-i-Khurasani, (b. 1850-1851 Mashad, d. 2 April 1928 in Tehran) later kno...
  19. 1851-06-00 — Mirza Taqi Khan met with Baha'u'llah and told Him that it would be advisable for Baha'u'llah to leav...
  20. 1851-08-28 — Baha'u'llah arrived in Karbala via Baghdad on His pilgrimage. He stayed for 10 months. [BKG67; DB59...
  21. 1851-10-05 — Shaykh Hasan-i-Zunúzi, the Bab's amanuensis, had been sent from the Bab's side in Chihriq to live i...
  22. 1851-12-00 — When the news of the martyrdom of the Bab reached Shiraz, Fatimah Bagum, the mother of the Bab, havi...
  23. 1852-04-00 — Baha'u'llah returned to Iran from Karbala. [DB598] He was the guest of the Grand Vizier for one...
  24. 1853-06-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed His station and mission to Mirza Áqa Jan in Karbala. He was the first person t...
  25. 1863-00-00 — The passing of Haji Mubarak, the servant of the Bab. He was born in 1823 and died at the age of 40. ...
  26. 1865-03-00 — Death of former Prime Minister Mirza Áqa Khan, in Qum. He was buried at Karbala. [BBR165]
  27. 1881-00-00 — The passing of Faṭimih Bagum, the mother of the Bab in Karbila. She herself was from a prominent S...
  28. 1892-09-03 — Nabil, inconsolable at the death of Baha'u'llah, committed suicide by drowning himself in the sea. [...
  29. 1913-04-14 — 'Abdu'l-Baha's plan had been to leave but His departure was delayed due to a request from the presid...
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