- 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1970-1995). — Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995.
- Application of Bahá'í Laws, by Universal House of Justice (2000-02-23). — On the application of Baha’i law and how its procedures differ from civil law, with discussion of ...
- Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents, by International Teaching Centre (2008-04). — This World Centre publication was used for consultation at the 10th International Baha'i Convention....
- Authenticity Project, The, by Mary K. Radpour (2001-06). — An effort to integrate Bahá’í ethical principles and the psychological dynamics of growth. In ...
- Bahá'í Community as a Learning Organisation, The, by Roy Steiner (1996). — How a knowledge management system focussed on assisting individuals, communities and institutions co...
- Bahá'í Community of Canada, The: A Case Study in the Transplantation of Non-Western Religious Movements to Western Societies, by Will C. van den Hoonaard (1996). — The origins and early life of the Baha'i community in Canada as a sociological case study in the tra...
- Baha'i Conceptual Framework for Interfaith Discourse and Action, by Ismael Velasco (2010). — Overview of challenges to interfaith work, a Baha'i appraisal of current activities, and the culture...
- Bahá'í Faith 1957-1988, The: A Survey of Contemporary Developments, by Peter Smith, Moojan Momen (1989). — A general account of developments in the Baha'i Faith during these three decades.
- Bahá'í Faith in the West, The: A Survey, by Peter Smith (2004). — General account of the development and expansion of the Faith in Europe and North America 1894-1994,...
- Bahá'í History in the Formative Age: The World Crusade 1953-1963, by Graham Hassall (1995). — The major features of the Baha'i 'World Crusade' 1953-1963; thoughts about the contemporary practice...
- Becoming Your True Self, by Daniel C. Jordan (1968). — The nature of human potential, and how the Baha'i Faith can guide the process of spiritual transform...
- Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth, by International Teaching Centre (2003-04). — Guidance for the Baha'i world in advancing the process of entry by troops. Part 3 of a series, follo...
- Carta Sobre Relaciones entre AEN, Comunidad e Individuo, by Universal House of Justice (1994-05-19).
- Change of Culture, A, by Moojan Momen (2003/2011). — An overview of the process of cultural change in the Baha'i community.
- Community as Family, The: Opportunities of Growth, by Ros Gabriel (1995).
- Compilation on All of Humanity Embracing the Bahá'í Faith, A, Brent Poirier, comp. (2022).
- Continental Boards of Counsellors, Letter to the Conference of, by Universal House of Justice (2010-12-28).
- Enrollments and limited growth of the Bahá'í community, by Universal House of Justice (2002-08-22). — The lack of significant numerical growth in certain Western Baha'i communities is related to the pre...
- Entry by Troops, Promoting, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2000).
- Evolution of Institutional Capacity for Social and Economic Development, The, by Office of Social and Economic Development (1994-08-28). — Baha'i principles of development and guidelines for individual initiative.
- Falta de crecimiento y el cambio de cultura, La, by Universal House of Justice (2002-08-22).
- Globalization of the Bahá'í Community: 1892-1921, The, by Moojan Momen (2005). — On the connection between Abdu’l-Baha’s thinking and his practical directives in the global expa...
- God Passes By, by Shoghi Effendi (1971 [1944]). — The classic — and canonical — historical summary and interpretation of the significance of the d...
- Growing in the Bahá'í Faith, by Adib Taherzadeh (1984). — Talk at an Alaskan summer school, covering topics such as the nature of the soul, our purpose, and p...
- Growth and Spread of the Baha'i Faith, The, by Arthur Hampson (1980-05). — A detailed attempt to describe and account for the spread of the Baha'i Faith, including the roles p...
- Harvard Pluralism Project: Bahá'í, by Author unknown (2023). — Six overview essays on Baha'i history, beliefs, and practices. (Offsite)
- Houses as Perfect as Is Possible, by Duane L. Herrmann (1994 Fall). — A survey of the evolution in design of the Baha'i Houses of Worship around the world through the twe...
- Human Knowledge and the Advancement of Society, by Hoda Mahmoudi (2012). — Knowledge is the means toward realizing a global civilization. The current Five Year Plan focuses th...
- Humanity's Coming Encounter with Baha'u'llah, by Douglas Martin (1992-04-09). — Retrospective look at the previous 100 years of Baha'i history, current shifts of focus and teaching...
- Immortality and the Human Soul: Lecture Series, by Hooper Dunbar (1989/1990).
- Intensive Growth Programs, by Farzam Arbab (2001-04-28). — Talk delivered as part of a two-day seminar on the Five Year Plan, sponsored by the Youth Activities...
- la Conferencia de los Cuerpos Continentales de Consejeros, A: 28 de diciembre de 2010, by Universal House of Justice Cortesía, trans. (2010-12-28).
- Learning About Growth: The Story of the Ruhi Institute and Large-scale Expansion of the Bahá'í Faith in Colombia, by Farzam Arbab (1991). — On the formation and development of the Ruhi Institute in Colombia; difficulties Baha'is faced in de...
- Learning from History, by Moojan Momen (1989). — The challenges caused by the influx of Third World villagers into the Baha’i world community. The ...
- Learning to Respond to Emerging New Realities: Messages from the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (2006). — Two letters to the US NSA dealing with expansion and administration, and a document prepared by the ...
- Legacy of `Abdu'l-Bahá's Visit to America, 1912, The, by Robert Stockman (2012). — Overview of Abdu’l-Baha’s trip to the U.S. and Canada, its impact, his social action and public ...
- Letter to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, May 19 1994, by Universal House of Justice (1994-05-19). — A lengthy response inspired by the US community's 1994 "Vision in Action" initiative, addressing the...
- Library and Archival Resources at the Bahá'í World Centre, by William P. Collins (1985:12). — Overview of the nature of the Baha'i World Centre; historical resources at the BWC; Centre for the S...
- Message on clusters, institutes, and growth, by International Teaching Centre (2007-09-30). — Message from the Counsellors on growth and enrollments.
- Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996).
- National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation, by Graham Hassall (2000-01).
- Next Stage, The, by Douglas Martin (2013). — Baha'i scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a ...
- On the Nature of Bahá'í Communities, by Check Woo Foo (1996). — Reflections on the development of Baha'i communities in urban societies, especially the relationship...
- Potential of the Bahá'í Faith to Grow in Scope and Influence, The, by Annette Prosterman (1992). — A sociological perspective says that, to grow and develop, a religion must have ideological and stru...
- Progress of the Faith in the United States and South Carolina, by Universal House of Justice (2019-03-12). — While growth may not be always apparent in local regions, efforts of clusters country-wide are showi...
- Proselytizing, Development, and the Covenant, by Universal House of Justice (1996). — Teaching vs. proselytization; applying Baha'i social teachings without becoming ensnared in prevaili...
- Reflections on a Culture of Learning and Growth: Community and Individual Paradigm Shifts: Part A: A Contemporary, Historical, Futuristic and Personal Context, by Ron Price (2008). — The building of the community & administrative structure of this new world Faith was at the core of ...
- Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (2023-11-28). — Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guard...
- Revelation and Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality, by Paul Lample (2009). — The nature of change in social reality, Baha’i understanding and practice, learning and growth, pa...
- Ridván 2021: Bahá'í Era 178, by Universal House of Justice (2021-04-20). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
- Ridvan Message to the US National Spiritual Assembly, by Universal House of Justice (2007-04-19). — Brief discussion of clusters and the low rate of enrollments in the United States.
- Shoghi Effendi: Guide for a New Millennium, by Glenford Mitchell (1997). — The Baha'i community is a global laboratory in which a transformation in individual and collective b...
- Shoghi Effendi, by Marcus Bach (1957). — Dr. Bach set out to meet the five people of his time whom he felt best exemplified the teachings of ...
- Spiritual Health of American Community, by Universal House of Justice (1991-03). — Publication of a letter addressing an individual's concerns for the spiritual health of the American...
- Tablet on the Debasement of Persia, by Abdu'l-Bahá Shoghi Effendi, trans. (1923). — Short comment by Abdu'l-Baha on the present debasement of Persia and its future glory, date unknown,...
- The Bahá'ís of America: The Growth of a Religious Movement, by Mike McMullen: Review, by Christopher Buck (2017-08-22).
- Towards World Order, by `Alí Nakhjavání (2004/2007). — Transcripts of six talks given at a week-long course on the World Order of Baha'u'llah, sponsored by...
- Training Institutes and Systematic Growth, by International Teaching Centre (2000-02).
- Turning Point: Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material 1996—2006, by Universal House of Justice (2006). — Forty-three letters, plans, and documents covering the Four-Year Plan of 1996-2000, including Global...