- Achieving Universal Participation of Older Adults: An Exploration of Its Challenges and Spiritual Foundations, by Catherine Bigonnesse, Jean Marc Bigonnesse (2015). — On involving older adults in the process of participation in society; some of the root causes of age...
- Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024). — 209 selections, last updated August 2024.
- Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality, Paul Lample, comp. (1996). — The quest for spirituality, the spiritual life, material and spiritual reality, the progress of the ...
- Burial, Baha'i, by Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice (1991). — Extracts from writings on Baha'i burials, cemeteries, and funerals, specifying the type of ring, shr...
- Carta Sobre La Oracion para el Entierro Baha'i: Departamento de la Secretaria 1 de julio de 2001, by Universal House of Justice Cortesía, trans. (2001-07-01).
- Condition of non-Bahá'í Relatives after Death, The, by Universal House of Justice (1991-08-28). — Four questions: Do the non-Baha'i parents of believers become Baha'is in the next world? What is the...
- Death and Dying in the Bahá'í Faith, by Moshe Sharon (2003). — Brief summary of Baha'i history and theological background; the three layers of existence; death as ...
- Divine Art of Living, The, by The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá Mabel Hyde Paine, comp. (1944/2006). — Collection of thematically arranged quotations.
- Exalted Letters (Hurúfát-i-'Álín), The: Overview, by John Walbridge (1996).
- Explanations Concerning Sacred Mysteries, by Mirza Asad'Ullah Ameen Ullah Fareed, trans. (1902). — Essays on the book of Daniel, and on the mysteries of: daily sacrifice, the kingdom, death, prayers ...
- Funerals and Burials, Preparations for: Some practical notes, Mary K. Radpour, comp. (1998). — A compilation of Baha'i directions for funerals and burials (i.e., this is not a compilation of dire...
- Hidden Gifts: Finding Blessings in the Struggles of Life, by Brian Kurzius (2007). — Compilation of Baha'i texts on the purpose of problems and tests in our lives.
- Introduction to the Lawh-i Haqqu'n-Nas, An, by Jean-Marc Lepain Peter Terry, trans. (2007). — Summary of the tablet Lawh-i Haqqu’n-Nas, Tablet of the "Right of the People," on the metaphorical...
- Lawh-i-Abdu'r-Razzáq: Parallel Translation (English), by Bahá'u'lláh Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2024-12). — Comparison of three English language translations, from River of Life (1914), Baha'i Scriptures (192...
- Letter to Frau Alice Schwarz-Solivo of a Talk by Abdu'l-Baha, by Josephina Fallscheer Richard Grosser, trans. (1933-04). — On the 'freedom of will', inheritance and instinct.
- Life after Death: Warwick Leaflets, by Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop (2002).
- Light after Death: The Baha'i Faith and the Near-Death Experience, by Alan Bryson (1993). — The parallels between the NDE and the Baha'i writings concerning life after death.
- Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. (1988). — The classic Baha'i reference book. This is its first online edition.
- List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.org, by John S. Hatcher (2021). — List of online essays and articles by Dr. John Hatcher.
- List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.org, by Christopher Buck (2014/2020/2024). — List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
- Mizán of Affect in Material v. Metaphysical Models of Human Consciousness, The, by John S. Hatcher (2023-07). — Though Baha'i teachings hold that the soul progresses after the body ceases to exist, the physical b...
- Near Death Experience, by Reinee Pasarow (1993). — Video talk by a person who had a life-changing near death experience as a teenager, became a seeker ...
- Near Death Experiences and the Bahá'í Faith, Steven Kolins, comp. (2012/2015). — Literature search and research notes on the Baha'i Faith and death, near death experiences (NDEs), a...
- Path of Beauty, The: The Literary Life of Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, by Sandra Lynn Hutchison (1999-2000). — An extensive review of the varied literary works of Ruhiyyih Khanum – poems, plays, ethical guidan...
- Path to God, The: 1937, by Dorothy Baker (1937). — Essay published as a pamphlet about the goal of life, revelation and access to heaven, self-improvem...
- Path to God, The: 1956, by Dorothy Baker (1956). — Some elements for spiritual success: power through prayer and nine benefits of prayer, victorious li...
- Prayer for Fathers, by Abdu'l-Bahá Ahmad Sohrab, trans. (1921). — Tablet revealed for Albert Windust, first American publisher of the Baha'i Writings and founder of S...
- Prayer for the Dead, Recitiation of, by Universal House of Justice (1999-02-09). — Instructions on the correct way to recite this prayer.
- Prayers of Bahá'u'lláh, The, by Rúhíyyih Khánum (1945). — Essay about various prayers and meditations of Baha'u'llah.
- Primum Non Nocere: Reflections of a Bahá'í Oncologist about Treating the Dying Patient, by Aaron Alizadeh (2015). — Doctors must learn how to bring the topic of death into the physician-patient conversation. The Baha...
- Questions about Science and Religion: Interviews with Abdul Baha at Tiberias and Haifa, by Anna Kunz (1922-09). — Questions asked of Abdu'l-Baha by two Christians visiting Haifa in 1921.
- Reincarnation and the Nature and Progress of the Soul, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (n.d.).
- Rituals in Babism and Baha'ism, by Denis MacEoin (1994). — On practices of prayer, invocations, talismans, jewelry, fasting, purity, birth, death, marriage, fe...
- Suffering of the Exalted Letters, by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2017). — Tablet written in Baghdad about death and the development of the human soul.
- Suicide and the Bahá'í Faith, by Anonymous (2003). — Inspired by the death of David Kelly, see bahai9.com/wiki/David_Kelly. Prepared by a Baha'i physicia...
- Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the Relation between Science and Religion, A, by Abdu'l-Bahá Keven Brown, trans. (2001). — Historical examples (re astronomy, the human soul, and death) showing that when a scientific theory ...
- Tablet of Consolation, by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2017). — Letter to an early believer following the death of his father, in which Baha'u'llah teaches that dea...
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
- Under the Divine Lote Tree: Essays and Reflections, by Jack McLean (1999). — 85 literary and theological existential essays on topics such as poetry, scripture, philosophy, spir...
- Various Essays, by Susan Gammage (2013-2018/2023). — 47 short essays on following the teachings and living a Baha'i life, life coaching and counselling, ...
- Will and Testament Blank Preamble, Dalton Garis, comp. (2020). — A template for a personal will, free for any Baha'i to use.