- Active Force and That Which Is Its Recipient, The: A Bahá'í View of Creativity, by Rick Johnson (2017). — On creativity and the pervasive nature of this concept in Baha’i thought. The universe is coded to...
- Arc of Ascent: The Purpose of Physical Reality II, by John S. Hatcher: Review, by Ross Woodman (1994).
- Artist and the Grammarian, The, by Otto Donald Rogers (2009). — On the process and meaning of creating art; its effect on the mind and the brain, the nature of pain...
- Bahá'í Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique, by Michael W. Sours (1995). — Constituents of Baha'i cosmological symbolism; introduction to the main feminist/environmentalist ar...
- Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin, by Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman Jonah Winters, comp. (2004). — Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college co...
- Bahá'í Perspective on the Origin of Matter, A, by Keven Brown (1990). — The origin of matter is spiritual. Science sees that, at its most fundamental level, reality is not ...
- Bahá'í Philosophy of Human Nature, The, by Ian Kluge (2017). — How the essential reality of the individual — the human soul and its powers of rational thought, w...
- Bahá'u'lláh and the God of Avicenna, by Joshua Hall (published as Joshua D. T. Hall) (2022-03). — Comparison of the teachings of Baha’u’llah on the nature of God with the philosophy of Avicenna;...
- Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality, Paul Lample, comp. (1996). — The quest for spirituality, the spiritual life, material and spiritual reality, the progress of the ...
- Beginning That Hath No Beginning, The: Bahá'í Cosmogony, by Vahid Brown (2002). — The dimensions of myth in the Baha'i Faith focussing on the religion's narratives of creation, relig...
- Big Bang Standard Model and Bahá'í Cosmology, The: Resolving a Present Disparity Through Science and Religion, by Jack McLean (2025-01). — On cyclic models that posit a universe before the Big Bang; comparison of theories of dynamic expans...
- Commentary on the Islamic Tradition "I Was a Hidden Treasure..." (Tafsír-i-Hadith-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfíyyan), by Abdu'l-Bahá Moojan Momen, trans. (1985-12). — Translation of a treatise written by 'Abdu'l-Baha when he was in his teens, expounding on the terms ...
- Consciousness, Creation, and the Soul, by Hooper Dunbar (1988-06-13).
- Creation: The Nature of God and the Creation of the Universe in Bahá'í Cosmology, by Keven Brown (2003).
- Creation, by Lasse Thoresen (2002). — Contributing to the creation of a new civilization as a researcher or an artist means participating ...
- Creation and Evolution: A Compilation, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá Iscander Micael Tinto, comp. (2013). — Short compilation of passages on the creation of the universe, nature, and existence.
- Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
- Enigmatic Questions Surrounding the Appearances of the Prophets, by John S. Hatcher (2011-03-29). — Issues related to the ontology and powers of the Manifestations can test the mettle of even deepened...
- Ether, Quantum Physics and the Bahá'í Writings, by Robin Mihrshahi (2002/2003). — Analysis of ‘Abdu’l-Baha's use of the term “ether”, correlated to His definition of this ter...
- Five Questions: Loss of Voting Rights, Mani, Magi, Five-Pointed Star, Joseph Smith, by Universal House of Justice (1991-01). — Responses to various questions. Closes with quotations on Confucianism and Genesis.
- "He hath known God who hath known himself": A Deepening Course on the Bahá'í Revelation, Barbara Ives Reich Kochmann, comp, Richard Kochmann, comp. (2012). — A lengthy compilation by the granddaughter of Howard Colby Ives designed to be a study guide to the ...
- Heart of the Gospel: The Bible and the Bahá'í Faith, by George Townshend (1939). — Using only the text of the Bible, Townshend provides a new reading of Scripture as a guidebook for t...
- Humanity and the Universe: Mirror of the Unknown, by Harry Liedtke (1996/2016). — A study of the origin and nature of the universe in light of Baha'i texts; creation and evolution; c...
- "In the Beginning Was the Word": Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul, by Ross Woodman (1993). — Hidden meanings in scripture and the soul are metaphorically identified with the huris, or brides. T...
- Instructions Concerning Genesis and the Mystery of Baptism, by Mirza Asad'Ullah Ali Kuli Khan, trans. (n.d. (1902?)). — A short treatise on Biblical verses and symbology viewed in light of the Hidden Words and other Writ...
- Lawh-i-Abdu'r-Razzáq: Parallel Translation (English), by Bahá'u'lláh Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2024-12). — Comparison of three English language translations, from River of Life (1914), Baha'i Scriptures (192...
- Lawh-i-Hikmat: The Two Agents and the Two Patients, by Vahid Rafati Keven Brown, trans. (2002). — Discussion of the two terms fa`ilayn (the active force / "the generating influence") and munfa`ilayn...
- Le Verbe de Dieu, au coeur de l'existence, by Pierre Daoust (2024-06). — Le présent essai examine les pouvoirs et l'influence du Verbe de Dieu (ou Parole divine) au sein de...
- Lists of Articles, by Brent Poirier (2009-2019). — Lists of 126 articles at the author's six blog websites.
- Literary Imitation in Three Poems Attributed to Tahirih Qurrat al-ʿAyn, by Sahba Shayani (2023-12). — The poetry of Tahirih has largely been ignored by historians, partly from politico-religious intoler...
- Material and Spiritual Worlds, by Peter J. Khan (2010-12). — Four talks on the Five-Year Plan given at the North Island Baha'i Summer School, Hamilton, New Zeala...
- Metaphor and the Language of Revelation, by Ross Woodman (1997). — To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the W...
- Necessity for Prayer, The, by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2024). — Extract from a Tablet of ‘Abdu'l-Baha.
- On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Craig Loehle (1990). — The science of evolution is difficult for those who demand a literal interpretation of scripture and...
- "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Response to Commentary, by Keven Brown (1994).
- "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentary, by Arash Abizadeh (1990).
- Origins of Creation, by Farjam Majd (2014). — Some classical proofs of the existence of God; the meaning of proof, types of proof, and conditions ...
- Prophets of Mahabad, and Nature of Creation: The Two Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria, by Susan Maneck (2011). — Discussion of Baha’u’llah’s letters to Manakji Hataria as found in the Tabernacle of Unity, co...
- Provisional Translations of Selected Writings of the Báb, Baháʼuʼlláh, and ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, by Peyman Sazedj (2009-2011). — Twenty-four translations from 2009, 2010, and 2011 copied from the defunct website peyman.sazedj.org...
- Qur'anic Kerygma: Epic, Apocalypse, and Typological Figuration, by Todd Lawson (2022). — Article contains no mention of the Babi or Baha'i Faiths, but includes themes of relevance to Baha'i...
- Reflection on the Theory of Alchemy as Explained in the Bahá'í Writings, A, by Keven Brown (2002/2012). — Baha'u'llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha referred to the 'hidden craft' of alchemy as part of divine philoso...
- Reis naar het Hart van de Qur'án: Het Heilige Boek van de islam voor hen die nadenken (door een niet-moslim), by David Russell Garcia Kees Poolman, trans. (2022). — Een overzicht van de Koran en zijn thema's: islam versus het christendom; wetten, geestelijke en soc...
- Resurrection and the World to Come, by Bahá'u'lláh William F. McCants, trans. (2018-01-21). — Extract from the Lawh-i-Yusuf (Tablet of Joseph), explaining the meaning of 'paradise', 'hellfire', ...
- Role of Wonder in Creating Identity, The, by Todd Lawson (2023). — The term badi', "wondrous" or "new," is used dozens of times by the Bab in his proclamatory work the...
- Seed of Creation: A philosophical approach towards the status of Universal House of Justice in respect to Baha'i concept of creation, by Ahmad Aniss (1998). — A philosophical approach towards the status of Universal House of Justice in respect to Baha'i conce...
- Selections from the Bahá'í Writings and from Shaykh Ahmad on the Seven Stages of Creation, Keven Brown, comp. (2008). — Collection of quotations from the Bab, Baha'u'llah, and Shaykh Ahmad, with footnotes, on the seven s...
- Symbolic Cosmology in the Sufi and Bahá'í traditions, by Michael McCarron (1997). — Introduction to some meanings of the various realms of God.
- Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Explaining Three Verses in the Lawh-i-Hikmat, A, by Abdu'l-Bahá Keven Brown, trans. (2005). — Insights into three statements by Baha'u'llah on pre-existence, creation, and nature as the essence ...
- Tablet of the Gems of Unity, The (Lawh-i-Javáhir-i-Tawhíd), by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2022-11-14). — Composite authoritative and provisional translation, partially from Gleanings section 27.
- Tablet of the Manifestation, The (Lawh-i-Zuhur), by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2023-01-02). — Tablet on the metaphysical reality of the Manifestations of God, and their divine station as cosmic,...
- Tablet on the Simple Reality, The (Lawḥ-i-Basíṭu'l-Ḥaqíqih), by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2023-01-01). — Baha’u’llah’s Tablet of the Simple Reality examines Mulla Ṣadra's dictum "The Simple Reality...
- Tablet on the Unity of Existence (Sharh Wahdat al-Wujúd), by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2001).
- Tablet to Auguste Forel, by Abdu'l-Bahá Shoghi Effendi, trans. (1976). — A letter of ʻAbdu'l-Baha, in reply to questions asked by the Swiss scientist Auguste-Henri Forel, d...
- Tablet to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Concerning the Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria: Baha'u'llah on Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, by Bahá'u'lláh Juan Cole, trans. (1995). — Introduction to, article about, and translation of the Tablet to Maneckji.
- Text and Context in the Bahá'í Heroic Age, by Nader Saiedi (2014). — A series of 12 talks by Nader Saiedi exploring Baha'i history, key writings, and the need for schola...
- "The active force and that which is its recipient", by Betty Hoff Conow (published as Betty Conow) (1988). — Metaphysics of gender and the Lawh-i-Hikmat; universal spiritualism; social indoctrination of gender...
- Three Stages of Divine Revelation, The, by Guy Sinclair (2002). — Shoghi Effendi states that the Kitab-i-Iqan "adumbrates and distinguishes between the three stages o...
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
- Truth Triumphs: A Bahá'í Response to Misrepresentations of the Bahá'í Teachings and Bahá'í History, by Peter Terry (1999-12). — Rebuttal of Francis Beckwith's thesis "Baha'i, A Christian response to Baha'ism, the religion which ...
- Voyage to the Heart of the Koran: The Holy Book of Islám for Thinking Minds (By a Non-Muslim), by David Russell Garcia (2003-10). — A lengthy overview of the Qur'an and its themes for a Baha'i audience; holy war and fighting; reason...
- Wittgensteinian Language-Games in an Indo-Persian Dialogue on the World Religions, by Juan Cole (2015 Fall). — Reflections on Baha'u'llah's theology of previous religions and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept of "...
- Worlds of God, The, by Iscander Micael Tinto (2013). — Creation is an act of divine manifestation across five realms: Hahút, the unknowable Essence of God...