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Tag "Bahá'í International Community"

tag name: Bahá'í International Community type: BWC institutions
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Bahá'í International Community
referring tags: - BIC statements; Bahá'í International Community, Secretaries-General; Bahá'í Office of the Environment; International Bahá'í Bureau

"Bahá'í International Community" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (84 results; expand)

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  1. 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, by Bahá'í International Community (2008-02-06). — Baha'i International Community’s Statement on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universa...
  2. Activities in Support of International Literacy Year - 1990, by Bahá'í International Community (1991-02-04). — The BIC actively supports the work of the International Task Force on Literacy, including internatio...
  3. Activities in the Bahá'í World Community to Improve the Status of Women during the United Nations Decade for Women, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-07-15). — Report presented to the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Natio...
  4. Advocates for African Food Security: Lessening the Burden for Women, by Bahá'í International Community (1991-02-27). — A joint statement to the 35th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Agend...
  5. Año Internacional de la Mujer, El, by Bahá'í International Community (1974). — Exposición presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha’i en el 25° periodo de sesiones de la ...
  6. Aplicación de la Declaración sobre la Eliminación de todas las formas de intolerancia y discriminación fundadas en la religión o las convicciones, 1988, by Bahá'í International Community (1988-02-17). — intolerancia y discriminación
  7. Aplicación del Programa de acción para el Segundo Decenio de la lucha contra el racismo y la discriminación racial, by Bahá'í International Community (1947-02). — lucha contra el racismo
  8. Bahá'í Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International Relations, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten (2006-11-14). — A Baha’i approach to the cosmopolitan tradition in International Relations theory; contributions t...
  9. Bahá'í Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International Relations, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten (2005). — On Western cosmopolitan thought from its infancy to the present day and on a Baha’i cosmopolitan m...
  10. Bahá'í Contribution to Cosmopolitan International Relations Theory, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten (2007). — Baha’i concepts of global governance, unity in diversity, and ethical reform as contributions to a...
  11. Bahá'í Faith, The: An Introduction, by Bahá'í International Community (1998). — An overview of the Baha'i Faith, in words and pictures.
  12. Bahá'í Question, The: Cultural Cleansing in Iran, by Bahá'í International Community (2008-09).
  13. Bahá'í Statement on Nature, The, by Bahá'í International Community (1987). — Prepared as official statement by the BIC Office of Public Information for the World Wide Fund for N...
  14. Bahá'í World 2004-2005, The: Activities Report, by Bahá'í International Community (2007). — The Baha'i community's promotion of human rights, the advancement of women, social development, and ...
  15. Bahá'í World 2005-2006, The: Activities Report, by Bahá'í International Community (2008). — The BIC's promotion of human rights, the advancement of women, social development, and reforming the...
  16. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), by Various Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  17. Bahá'ísm - Its Origins and Role: A Rebuttal, by Bahá'í International Community (1983-08). — The complete Iranian document "Bahaism — its origins and its role" together with BIC commentary on...
  18. Base Espiritual de la Igualdad, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-07-10).
  19. Beyond Legal Reforms: Culture and Capacity in the Eradication of Violence Against Women and Girls, by Bahá'í International Community (2006-07-02). — Statement on the epidemic of violence against women around the world, as perpetuated by social norms...
  20. Ciudadanía Mundial: Ética Global Para El Desarrollo Sostenible, by Bahá'í International Community (1993-06-14). — Comunidades Sostenibles en un Mundo Integrante
  21. Combatiendo el Racismo, by Bahá'í International Community (1983). — Declaración presentada a la Segunda Conferencia Mundial para Combatir el Racismo y la Discriminaci...
  22. Comunidades Sostenibles en un Mundo Integrante, by Bahá'í International Community (1996-06-03). — Enunciado presentó por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i a la Conferencia sobre Domicilios Humanos ...
  23. Condicion juridica y social de la mujer, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1988).
  24. Conferencia Mundial del Año Internacional de la Mujer: Declaración presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í, by Bahá'í International Community (1975). — Declaración presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha’i (en caracter consultivo con el Conse...
  25. Conferencia Mundial para el Examen y la Evaluación de los Logros del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer: Igualdad, Desarrollo y Paz, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-06-15). — Informe presentado por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i acerca de las actividades de la Comunidad B...
  26. Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible en la Fe Bahá'í, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-05).
  27. Creación De Familias Liberadas De La Violencia, La: Un Informe Resumido Del Simposio Llevado Acabo, by Bahá'í International Community (1994-05).
  28. Declaración bahá'í sobre obligaciones y derechos humanos, 1947, by Bahá'í International Community (1947-02). — Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i ante la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones ...
  29. Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í ante la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Uso Indebido y el Tráfico Ilícito de Drogas, by Bahá'í International Community (1987-06). — Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i ante la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones ...
  30. Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í ante la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Relación Entre el Desarme y el Desarrollo, by Bahá'í International Community (1987-08/1987-09). — El Año Internacional de la Mujer. Nueva York, Nueva York, 24 de agosto-11 de septiembre de 1987
  31. Desarme y la Paz, El, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-02).
  32. Descripción de La Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í, by Bahá'í International Community (2000-06-06). — Descripción de La Comunidad Internacional Baha'i
  33. El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espíritu Humano, by Bahá'í International Community (1992-06). — El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espiritu Humano, presentado Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, junio de 1992.
  34. El Papel de la religión en el desarrollo social, by Bahá'í International Community (1994-09). — Comentarios al borrador de la Declaración y Programa de Acción para el desarrollo social. Presenta...
  35. Employment and Work, by Bahá'í International Community (2008-02-11). — Statement of the BIC to the 46th Commission on Social Development on the theme "Full Employment and ...
  36. Eradicating Poverty: Moving Forward as One, by Bahá'í International Community (2008). — BIC statement on poverty.
  37. Estudios Preliminares Sobre la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer en la Comunidad Mundial Bahá'í, by Bahá'í International Community (1974). — Declaración presentada al 25° periodo de sesiones de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas sobre la ...
  38. Extract from Brochure "One World, One People - A Bahá'í View", by Bahá'í International Community (1974). — Short selection from a brochure presented by the Baha’i International Community to delegates atten...
  39. For the Student of Religion, by Bahá'í International Community (1985/2006). — Adapted from William S. Hatcher and Douglas Martin's The Baha'i Faith: The Emerging Global Religion ...
  40. Gender perspectives and the work of the United Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (2007-09-20). — Statement to the UN Human Rights Council on integrating gender perspectives.
  41. Hacia un modelo de desarrollo para el siglo XXI, by Bahá'í International Community (1994). — Hacia un modelo de desarrollo para el siglo XXI.
  42. Historia de su Cooperacion con las Naciones Unidas, by Bahá'í International Community (n.d.).
  43. Hora Decisiva para todas las Naciones, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-10). — Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i con motivo del 50 aniversario de Naciones Unidas ...
  44. Ideas, Religion, and Social Change, by Julia Berger (2021). — Links to a book chapter and video presentation and presentation notes (offsite) presented for the Jo...
  45. Integracion de la mujer en el desarrollo enocomico y social de America Latina y el Caribe, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1988-09). — Revisión y evaluación critica de algunos aspectos de la condición de la mujer en la region, inclu...
  46. Interreligious and Intercultural Cooperation, by Bahá'í International Community (2007-10). — Statement to the United Nations on best practices and strategies for interreligious and intercultura...
  47. Legislación Internacional para el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, by Bahá'í International Community (1991-08). — Una declaraciòn presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i al Comité Preparatorio para la Co...
  48. Lucha Contra el Hambre, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-06). — Declaración a la 11a Sesión de Ministros del Consejo Mundial de la Alimentación de las Naciones U...
  49. Millennium Forum, by Universal House of Justice (2000-09-24).
  50. Mobilizing Institutional, Legal and Cultural Resources to Achieve Gender Equality, by Bahá'í International Community (2008-02-01). — The central role of girls and women in human development; the need to end the cultural, institutiona...
  51. More Constructive Encounter, A: A Bahá'í View of Religion and Human Rights, by Barney Leith (2007). — Relationship between religion and human rights, and the work of the Baha’i community in wholeheart...
  52. Mujeres y Hombres, Una Sociedad para un Planeta Saludable, by Bahá'í International Community (1991-11). — Exposición presentada al "World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet", Miami, Florida, 8-12 Noviem...
  53. Nature of the Persecution against the Bahá'ís in Iran, by Bahá'í International Community (2010-02). — The situation of the Baha'is in Iran in 2010; historical and legal context; denial of individual and...
  54. One Planet, One Habitation: A Bahá'í Perspective on Recasting Humanity's Relationship with the Natural World, by Bahá'í International Community (2022-06-01). — A pictorial magazine-style overview of Baha'i views on the environment, trusteeship, development, pr...
  55. Papel de la educación, los medios de información y las artes en el desarrollo social, El, by Bahá'í International Community (1994-08). — El papel de la educación, los medios de información
  56. Papel de la Juventud en los Derechos Humanos, El, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-02).
  57. Paz y el Desarrollo, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-05). — Declaración presentada al Seminario de las Naciones Unidas para las regiones de Asia, el Pacifico y...
  58. Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran: 1979-1986: A 7-year campaign to eliminate a religious minority, by Bahá'í International Community (1986). — Overview of activities and propaganda against Baha'is in Iran, and the responses of the United Natio...
  59. Preparación para Vivir en Paz, el Papel de la Juventud, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-05).
  60. Preparación Para Vivir En Paz, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-02). — Charla presentada durante el Seminario Regional de las Naciones Unidas para Latinoamérica y el Cari...
  61. Preparación para Vivir en Paz, La Contribución de la Mujer, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-05). — Declaración preparada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha’i para el Seminario Regional Europeo pa...
  62. Prevención de Discriminaciones y Protección a las Minorías, 1988, by Bahá'í International Community (1988-08).
  63. Prevención de Discriminaciones y Protección a las Minorías, 1989, by Bahá'í International Community (1989-12).
  64. Proposals to the United Nations for Charter Revision, by Bahá'í International Community (1955-05-23). — Proposals from the Bahai International Community for revision of the U.N. charter in its capacity as...
  65. Proselytizing, Development, and the Covenant, by Universal House of Justice (1996). — Teaching vs. proselytization; applying Baha'i social teachings without becoming ensnared in prevaili...
  66. Prosperity of Humankind, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-03-03). — A statement prepared by the Baha'i International Community Office of Public Information, Haifa, firs...
  67. Raising Children of Light: editorial, by Bahá'í International Community (2008). — In seeking to end the world's suffering, we need to acknowledge that we are all one human race in an...
  68. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (2023-11-28). — Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guard...
  69. Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism, by Bahá'í International Community (2010-05-03). — The BIC's contribution to the 18th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Developme...
  70. Rights to Human and Social Development: A Survey of the Activities of the Bahá'í International Community, by Graham Hassall (2001). — BIC contributions to thinking about human rights and social development have centered on 6 themes: a...
  71. Search for Values in an Age of Transition, The: includes Study Guide, by Bahá'í International Community (2005-10). — A statement on the 60th anniversary of the United Nations, new paradigms taking hold, and the place ...
  72. Situation of the Bahá'ís in Egypt, by Bahá'í International Community (2007-09-24). — Oral Statement of the Baha’i International Community to the Human Rights Council (6th Session of t...
  73. Statement in Rebuttal of Accusations Made against the Bahá'í Faith by the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (1982-11-30). — In a document distributed to the UN, "Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran," Iran made a num...
  74. Statement on Bahá'u'lláh, A, by Bahá'í International Community (1992-05). — Introduction to the life and work of Baha'u'llah, released in 1992 in honor of the centenary of his ...
  75. Television Address of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, by Universal House of Justice, Bahá'í International Community (1998-07). — Questions and answers about a historically unique television interview of Iranian President Khatami,...
  76. The Cause of Universal Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Enduring Impact, by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson (2021-02-23). — On Abdu'l-Baha's interest in the Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration in New York, 1...
  77. Towards a Sustainable Food System, by Bahá'í International Community (2022-09-13). — Short selection on sustainable, non-exploitative food systems that provide for the global population...
  78. Turning Point for All Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (1995-10). — A statement on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, about the scope, function...
  79. Una misma sustancia: Crear conscientemente una cultura mundial de unidad, by Bahá'í International Community (2001-09). — Exposición escrita presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i en la Conferencia Mundial contr...
  80. Valorando la espiritualidad en el Desarrollo: Consideraciones Iniciales en cuanto a la Creación de Indicadores de Base Espiritual para el Desarrollo, by Bahá'í International Community (1998). — Consideraciones Iniciales en cuanto a la Creación de Indicadores de Base Espiritual para el Desarro...
  81. Violence with Impunity: Acts of aggression against Iran's Bahá'í community, by Bahá'í International Community (2013-03). — Book-length report on the rising tide of violence directed against the Iranian Baha'i community 2005...
  82. Who is Writing the Future?: Reflections on the Twentieth Century, by Bahá'í International Community (1999-02). — A statement on the current state of human society and its evolution, by the BIC's Office of Public I...
  83. World Into One Nation, The: World Peace and the Bahá'í Faith, by Nahzy Abadi Buck (1981-06). — How a whole human society, united and cooperative, can be like a single family. Includes overview of...
  84. 谁在写我们的未来 (Who's Writing the Future?): 二十世纪的省思 (Reflections on the Twentieth Century), by Bahá'í International Community (n.d.). — Prepared by the Office of Public Information.

2.   from the Chronology (213 results; expand)

  1. 1929-03-18 — The International Baha'i Bureau was recognized by the League of Nations. [BIC History Timeline]
  2. 1930-03-18 — The International Baha'i Bureau was registered as an International Working Unit by the League of Nat...
  3. 1945-10-24 — The United Nations was formally established. There were Baha'i representatives in San Francisco in ...
  4. 1946-00-00 — The first issue of the News Exchange was published by the International Baha'i Bureau in Geneva. Th...
  5. 1947-02-01 — Reflecting the unity in diversity highly valued by the Baha'i community, Amin Banani, Mildred Mottah...
  6. 1947-05-18 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada was accredited by the...
  7. 1947-06-18 — The International Baha'i Bureau contributed to the preparatory work of the Human Rights Commission f...
  8. 1948-04 — The name 'Baha'i International Community' was first used to refer to the eight existing National Spi...
  9. 1948-08-18 — The Baha'i International Community took part in its first United Nations conference, on human rights...
  10. 1949-04-04 — Baha'i delegation to the United Nations International Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations c...
  11. 1949-11-09 — The Baha'i International Community, in a letter addressed to Mr Trygve Lie, the Secretary-General of...
  12. 1955-04-18 — After the violent storm of persecutions against the Baha'i's in Iran broke loose, the Baha'i Interna...
  13. 1955-05-23 — The Baha'i International Community submitted its Proposals for Charter Revision to the United Nation...
  14. 1955-08-00 — Appeals were made by National Spiritual Assemblies around the world through the Baha'i International...
  15. 1956-12-00 — It was announced that Mr Ugo Giachery, Mr Navidi, Mr John Ferraby, Mrs Mildred Mottahedeh and Mr Ami...
  16. 1959-04-10 — Representatives of the Baha'i International Community presented to the President of the Human Rights...
  17. 1960-05-17 — The Baha'i International Community attended a meeting called by the United Nations Office of Public ...
  18. 1962-12-17 — The Custodians asked the Baha'i International Community to issue press releases deploring Morocco's ...
  19. 1962-12-21 — Telegrams were sent by the Baha'i International Community to Secretary-General U Thant and 35 United...
  20. 1963-01-00 — The publication of Freedom of Religion on Trial in Morocco: The Nador Case by Baha'i Internationa...
  21. 1965-03-18 — The Baha'i International Community established its own offices in the United Nations Plaza Building ...
  22. 1967-00-00 — Victor de Araujo was appointed by the Universal House of Justice as the full-time Accredited Represe...
  23. 1970-03-18 — The passing of Hilda Yank Sing Yen Male (b. 29 Nov or 29 Nov 1902, 1904 or 1906 in China, d. Riverda...
  24. 1970-05-27 — The Baha'i International Community was granted consultative status, category II, by the Economic and...
  25. 1970-05-27 — The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations approved the recommendation by the Co...
  26. 1971-04-18 — The Baha'i International Community appointed a representative to the UN in Geneva. [BIC History 1971...
  27. 1971-06-16 — A special seminar for UN member state was held in Yaoundé in observance of the International Year f...
  28. 1972-06-05 — The Baha'i International Community was invited to participate in the United Nations Conference on th...
  29. 1974-08-19 — The 3rd World Population Conference was held in Bucharest, Romania. The Conference was attended by r...
  30. 1974-11-05 — The United Nations World Food Conference was held in Rome. [BW
  31. 1974-12-01 — The Baha'i International Community appointed a representative in Nairobi. [BIC History 1974]
  32. 1975-06-19 — Two* Baha'i women represented the Baha'i International Community at the first World Conference on Wo...
  33. 1975-06-24 — Iran became one of the first countries in the world to ratify the International Covenant on Civil an...
  34. 1976-03-08 — The Baha'i International Community was granted consultative status with the United Nations Children'...
  35. 1978-08-14 — The Baha'i International Community participated in the first World Conference to Combat Racism and R...
  36. 1978-08-14 — The first World Conference Against Racism was held in Geneva, Switzerland. A major focus on the conf...
  37. 1978-12-28 — The West African Baha'i Women's Conference was held in Monrovia, Liberia with the theme, "Spiritual ...
  38. 1979-06-12 — The UN Conference entitled "The Human Factor in Science and Technology for Development" was held in ...
  39. 1980-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92] Twenty–four Bah...
  40. 1980-07-14 — Representatives of the Baha'i International Community participated in the Second World Conference of...
  41. 1980-09-00 — The European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the United Nations ...
  42. 1981-00-05 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92] Forty–six Baha'...
  43. 1981-01-01 — The European branch office of the Baha'i International Community was established in Geneva. [BW19:33...
  44. 1981-12-01 — The Baha'i International Community made its first appeal to the Commission on Human Rights to addres...
  45. 1982-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92] Thirty–two Baha...
  46. 1983-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92; BW19:177–226] T...
  47. 1983-08-01 — The second World Conference Against Racism was held in Geneva, Switzerland. Report
  48. 1983-10-20 — The establishment of the Office of Social and Economic Development.  In a message to the Baha'i...
  49. 1984-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226] Thirty Bah...
  50. 1984-10-19 — The United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) appointed Andrés Aguilar of Venezuela as its ...
  51. 1984-11-09 — The Universal House of Justice met with representatives of the Baha'i International Community and va...
  52. 1985-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226] Seven Baha...
  53. 1985-00-00 — A regional office of the Baha'i International Community affiliated with the Economic and Social Comm...
  54. 1985-07-15 — Ten representatives of the Baha'i International Community attended the third World Conference on Wom...
  55. 1985-10-24 — In anticipation of the United Nations International Year of Peace, and on the fortieth anniversary o...
  56. 1985-11-22 — The Promise of World Peace was presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Javier Perez...
  57. 1985-12-13 — For the first time, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human rights sit...
  58. 1986-00-00 — Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, a prominent diplomat, and professor of law from El Salvador served as the Uni...
  59. 1986-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226] One Baha'i...
  60. 1986-01-21 — The Islamic Research Academy at the Azhar University in Cairo published in a number of newspapers a ...
  61. 1987-04-22 — A ceremony was held to sign a 'status agreement' between the Baha'i International Community and the ...
  62. 1987-09-01 — The United Nations Secretary-General designated the Baha'i International Community and the National ...
  63. 1987-10-03 — The Baha'i International Community joined the Network on Conservation and Religion of the World Wide...
  64. 1988-00-00 — Branches of the Baha'i International Community's Office of Public Information were established in Pa...
  65. 1988-00-00 — 'Arts for Nature', a fund-raising programme held to benefit the work of the World Wide Fund for Natu...
  66. 1988-00-00 — The Baha'i International Community became a founding member of 'Advocates for African Food Security:...
  67. 1988-02-17 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Eliminating Religious Intol...
  68. 1988-02-19 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Eliminating Torture", for t...
  69. 1988-11-30 — The Baha'i International Community was elected Secretary of the Board of the 'Conference on Non-Gove...
  70. 1988-12-08 — The plenary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution concerning hu...
  71. 1988-12-30 — Senior officers of the Baha'i International Community in the Holy Land, Geneva, and New York met wit...
  72. 1989-00-06 — A branch of the Baha'i International Community's Office of Public Information was established in Hon...
  73. 1989-00-09 — The establishment of the Baha'i International Community's Office of the Environment in New York. Rid...
  74. 1989-02-01 — The inaugural publication of One Country, the newsletter of the Baha'i International Community. It w...
  75. 1989-02-08 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Eliminating Racism", to the...
  76. 1989-02-09 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Right to Development", to t...
  77. 1989-02-15 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Creating a Universal Cultur...
  78. 1989-03-09 — The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution expressing grave concern at human rights violati...
  79. 1989-03-17 — The Baha'i International Community entered into a 'working relationship' with the World Health Organ...
  80. 1989-09-01 — The Baha'i Office of the Environment was established as part of the Baha'i International Community i...
  81. 1989-10-02 — One Country, the newsletter of the Baha'i International Community, started publication in five other...
  82. 1990-00-14 — The Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace was held in Mongolia. A representative of the Internation...
  83. 1990-00-18 — The Baha'i International Community, through the Office of the Environment in collaboration with othe...
  84. 1990-00-21 — The Baha'i International Community was invited to participate in the World Conference on Education f...
  85. 1990-00-22 — A branch of the Baha'i International Community's United Nations Office for the Pacific region was op...
  86. 1990-00-23 — For the first time a representative of the United Nations was able to officially meet with a represe...
  87. 1990-09-06 — The Baha'i International Community opened a branch of its United Nations Office for the Pacific regi...
  88. 1990-09-29 — The largest gathering of world leaders in history assembled at the United Nations to attend the Worl...
  89. 1991-01-00 — Dr. Victor de Araujo, Baha'i representative to the United Nations for 23 years and the first full-ti...
  90. 1991-02-25 — In Iran, a secret government memorandum (known as the Golpaygani Memorandum) was drawn up by Iran's ...
  91. 1992-05-29 — A statement titled Baha'u'llah was published by the office of the Baha'i
  92. 1992-06-01 — Baha'is from many countries participated in the United Nations Conference on the Environment (UNCED)...
  93. 1992-12-00 — The Universal House of Justice announced its decision to establish an Office for the Advancement of ...
  94. 1993-02-22 — At the 49th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations in Geneva released a re...
  95. 1993-03-08 — The Baha'i International Community presented the joint statement entitled Rights of the Child to the...
  96. 1993-06-10 — The Baha'i International Community and Baha'is from 11 countries participated in the United Nations ...
  97. 1994-07-28 — The World Forestry Charter Gatherings, established by Richard St. Barbe Baker in 1945, were re-insti...
  98. 1994-09-05 — The Baha'i International Community attended the United Nations International Conference on Populatio...
  99. 1995-00-00 — Following the resignation of Galindo Pohl, the UNCHR appointed Maurice Copithorne, a Canadian lawyer...
  100. 1995-01-23 — To respond to the increased attention given to the issues of social and economic development followi...
  101. 1995-03-03 — The Baha'i International Community and Baha'is from many countries participated in the United Nation...
  102. 1995-08-30 — Some 400-500 Baha'i women and men from more than 50 countries around the world participated in the N...
  103. 1995-09-04 — Fourth World Conference on Women was held at the Beijing International Conference Centre. It was one...
  104. 1995-10-02 — The publication of Turning Point For All Nations by the Baha'i International Community, United Natio...
  105. 1995-12-01 — The 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Commission was held. In January the Baha'i International Com...
  106. 1996-06-03 — The Baha'i International Community and 150 Baha'is from many countries participated in the Second Un...
  107. 1996-07-01 — The Baha'i International Community launched the site "The Baha'i World". Its stated purpose was to ...
  108. 1996-08-01 — The Baha'i International Community launched its first website. The site contained exclusively Bah...
  109. 1997-00-00 — In 1997 One Country launched its website that contained all the English issues of the newsletter pub...
  110. 1997-03-15 — The Baha'i International Community presented a statement The United Nations Decade for Human Rights ...
  111. 1997-10-24 — The International Environment Forum was launched at the first International Baha'i Environment Confe...
  112. 1998-02-18 — World Faiths and Development Dialogue (WFDD) hosted an event at Lambeth Palace in London that brough...
  113. 1998-03-02 — During the 42nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in March, the Baha'i Internation...
  114. 1999-00-00 — The founding of the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) as a non-profit organization t...
  115. 1999-01-12 — During the World Faiths Development Dialogue continuation in Johannesburg, Matt Weinberg, director o...
  116. 2000-02-17 — The passing of Mildred Mottahedeh in New York. She had been elected to the International Baha'i Coun...
  117. 2000-05-22 — The United Nations Millennium Forum was held at United Nations Headquarters in New York. It attracte...
  118. 2000-08-28 — The Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders was held in New York and involved mor...
  119. 2000-09-06 — The General Assembly Millennium Summit was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and w...
  120. 2000-09-08 — Dr. Techeste Ahderom, then the BIC Principle Representative to the United Nations, addressed the ass...
  121. 2000-09-19 — In a ceremony, the final earth samples from 26 nations were deposited in the Peace Monument, which w...
  122. 2001-01-04 — The passing of Dr. Victor de Araujo of Vista, NY at the age of 78 years. He was born near London, En...
  123. 2001-04-30 — The Baha'i International Community issued a statement, entitled Sustainable Development: the Spiritu...
  124. 2001-05-28 — Global Form on Fighting Corruption II was held in The Hague. [IAACA Web Site] The paper entitled
  125. 2001-06-25 — During the special session of the General Assembly on the HIV./AIDS pandemic held at the UN headquar...
  126. 2001-08-31 — The third United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Rela...
  127. 2001-11-23 — International Consultative Conference on School Education in relation with Freedom of Religion and B...
  128. 2001-12-00 — Baha'i­ International Community Membership 1998-2001 The Baha'i­ International Community, with ...
  129. 2001-12-13 — The passing of Giovanni (Gianni) Ballerio (b. 15 February 1943 in Asmara, Eritrea) in Geneva after a...
  130. 2002-03-05 — The announcement by the Baha'i International Community of the murder of three Baha'is in Dushanbe, T...
  131. 2002-08-26 — World Summit on Sustainable Development, a United Nations conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. ...
  132. 2003-03-11 — Bani Dugal Gujral was appointed Principal Representative of the Baha'i International Community to th...
  133. 2003-12-10 — The World Summit on the Information Society gave the Baha'i International Community an opportunity t...
  134. 2003-12-17 — The Baha'i´International Community, with UNICEF, UNESCO, and major international non-governmental ...
  135. 2004-05-31 — The launch of the Web site The Baha'i Reference Library by the Baha'i International Community. It ma...
  136. 2005-03-28 — As Chair of the NGO Commission on the Status of Women, Ms Bani Dugal facilitated and organized the p...
  137. 2005-04-20 — The launch of the new official website, titled The Baha'is to replace the previous site, "The Baha'i...
  138. 2005-09-15 — The 2005 World Summit was a follow-up summit meeting to the United Nations' 2000 Millennium Summit, ...
  139. 2005-10-01 — The Search for Values in the Age of Transition was written on the occasion of the 60th anniversary o...
  140. 2006-00-00 — For more than two decades young Baha'is had been barred from entering university through an applicat...
  141. 2006-02-27 — The 50th session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held at the UN Headquarters in New Yor...
  142. 2006-06-16 — The Baha'i International Community's Office of Public Information announced the launch of a new webs...
  143. 2007-10-12 — The opening of a new office of the Baha'i International Community in Brussels. The purpose was to st...
  144. 2007-11-07 — The launch of a new website by the Baha'i International Community, The Life of Baha'u'llah to provid...
  145. 2008-02-14 — The publication of a new statement from the Baha'i International Community entitled Eradicating Pove...
  146. 2008-02-25 — The 52nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held at the United Nations headquarter...
  147. 2008-09-01 — The publication of The Baha'i Question: Cultural Cleansing in Iran by the Baha'i International Commu...
  148. 2009-02-20 — The UN reviewed the Declaration of Copenhagen and Programme of Action for Social Development on Nove...
  149. 2009-03-04 — The Baha'i International Community at the United Nations sent an open letter to Ayatollah Qorban-Ali...
  150. 2009-04-20 — The Durban Review Conference is the official name of the 2009 United Nations World Conference Agains...
  151. 2009-11-02 — A new initiative of the UN Development Programme and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation laun...
  152. 2009-12-07 — The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference raised climate change policy to the highest political level...
  153. 2010-05-00 — The publication of Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism," for th...
  154. 2010-07-02 — The UN General Assembly voted unanimously to create UN Women, (General Assembly resolution 64/289) a...
  155. 2010-12-07 — In an open letter to Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Larijani, the Head of the Judiciary, the Baha'i Intern...
  156. 2011-02-22 — The 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place at United Nations Headquarters ...
  157. 2011-03-00 — In March 2011, the UN Human Rights Council re-established the mandate of Special Rapporteur to Iran,...
  158. 2011-09-11 — A follow-up conference dubbed "Durban III" took place in New York City. It was boycotted by Austral...
  159. 2011-10-21 — The release of the report entitled Inciting Hatred by the Baha'i International Community which summa...
  160. 2012-06-19 — Over 100 people gathered to mark the re-dedication of the "Peace Monument," which contains soil brou...
  161. 2012-10-29 — The Baha'i International Community published a special report on The Baha'is of Semnan: A Case Study...
  162. 2012-11-15 — In contribution to the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women the Baha'i Internationa...
  163. 2013-03-00 — The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bah...
  164. 2013-05-14 — The Baha'i International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year ...
  165. 2013-10-01 — The Baha'i International Community announced the appointment of Joshua Lincoln as its new Secretary-...
  166. 2013-10-28 — The release of the video Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Baha'i Community ...
  167. 2014-00-00 — An office of the Baha'i International Community was opened in Addis Ababa to work in collaboration w...
  168. 2014-00-00 — The Baha'i International Community opened a Regional Office in Jakarta. The Office engaged inter-go...
  169. 2015-04-22 — Pressures on Jamaleddin Khanjani's family had increased since his arrest in 2008. Their country h...
  170. 2015-05-14 — A global campaign called "Seven Days in Remembrance of Seven Years in Prison for the Seven Baha'i Le...
  171. 2015-09-08 — The Baha'i International Community and representatives of 23 other major religious traditions offere...
  172. 2015-09-25 — The UN further defined its Sustainable Development goals at the United Nations Sustainable Developme...
  173. 2016-00-00 — Asma Jilani Jahangir was selected as the Special Rapporteur in 2016. She was a human rights lawyer o...
  174. 2016-04-29 — In observance of the eighth anniversary of the arrest and incarceration of seven Iranian Baha'i lead...
  175. 2016-05-12 — In commemoration of the incarceration of the Yaran in Iran in 2008 the International Baha'i Communit...
  176. 2016-05-23 — The first World Humanitarian Summit was held in Istanbul, Turkey. The summit, organized by the Unite...
  177. 2016-09-06 — In a letter the BIC called on Iranian President Rouhani to end systematic
  178. 2016-10-26 — The report from the offices of the Baha'i International Community entitled The Baha'i Question Revis...
  179. 2017-02-15 — The Baha'i International Community announced the launch of a website for the Baha'is of Iran at Baha...
  180. 2017-05-12 — The Baha'i International Community launched a global campaign calling for the immediate release of t...
  181. 2018-00-00 — The Baha'i International Community established a web site, Archives of Baha'i Persecution in Iran to...
  182. 2018-01-25 — Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Asma Jahangir, ...
  183. 2018-01-25 — By way of a contribution to the 7th Annual ECOSOC Youth Forum at the United Nations, the Baha'i Inte...
  184. 2018-01-29 — The 56th session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development focused on strategies for e...
  185. 2018-03-12 — The Baha'i International Community in New York released the statement "Beyond Mere Economics: A Mora...
  186. 2018-11-19 — The second annual Arab Sustainable Development Week was held in Cairo from 19 to 22 November to adva...
  187. 2019-06-18 — About 8,000 people attended the European Development Days conference in Brussels. It was co-organiz...
  188. 2019-08-00 — Religions for Peace is the world's largest inter-religious coalit
  189. 2019-09-10 — In the 42nd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council, the International Baha'i Community presente...
  190. 2019-10-01 — The Baha'i International Community announced the appointment of Dr. David Rutstein as its new Secret...
  191. 2020-01-27 — The Baha'i International Community expressed its concern with the surge in persecution by the Irania...
  192. 2020-03-02 — The Baha'i International Community-Brussels hosted a conference entitled A Vision for A Society of t...
  193. 2020-03-09 — The Baha'i International Community submitted a statement entitled Developing New Dynamics of Power t...
  194. 2020-03-25 — The Houthi authorities announced the intended release of all Baha'i prisoners in Yemen as well as a ...
  195. 2020-04-22 — The Brussels Office of the Baha'i International Community launched a quarterly newsletter to share m...
  196. 2020-07-30 — It was announced that Mr. Hamed bin Haydara, Mr. Waleed Ayyash, Mr. Akram Ayyash, Mr. Kayvan Ghaderi...
  197. 2020-09-21 — The Baha'i International Community issued a statement entitled A Governance Befitting: Humanity and ...
  198. 2020-10-21 — The Baha'i International Community launched the statement entitled A Governance Befitting: Humanity ...
  199. 2020-11-02 — The Geneva Office of the Baha'i International Community joined with civil society actors, academics,...
  200. 2021-02-03 — To mark the 25th anniversary of the landmark Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action that result...
  201. 2021-02-08 — The 59th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD59) took place from 8 to 17 February...
  202. 2021-03-14 — 65th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The Baha'i International Communit...
  203. 2021-07-08 — The Baha'i International Community made representation to the United Nations or the Iranian governme...
  204. 2021-07-13 — In response to the Iranian government's continued campaign of hate speech, the Baha'i International ...
  205. 2021-07-19 — A Twitter storm under the hashtag of #StopHatePropaganda and running from 5pm to 7pm GMT, 9.30pm to ...
  206. 2021-12-16 — The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has called on the Iranian government to end its discriminat...
  207. 2022-02-14 — The statement The Oneness of Humanity—Implications for the Africa-European Union Partnership was j...
  208. 2022-03-25 — In a statement was delivered by the Baha'i International Community's representative, Simin Fahandej,...
  209. 2022-06-02 — A conference titled, Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility...
  210. 2023-01-23 — The Addis Ababa Office of the Baha'i International Community (BIC) released a short video titled Wom...
  211. 2023-05-15 — The Baha'i International Community announced the launching a global campaign, called #OurStoryIsOne,...
  212. 2023-06-05 — The second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly was held in Nairobi, Kenya under the theme...
  213. 2023-12-04 — In a statement released by the Baha'i Community titled, A Change in Tactics: The Iranian Gove
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