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Tag "Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS)"

tag name: Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS) type: Publications
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"Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS)" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (2 results; expand)

  1. Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action, by Bahá'í World News Service (2018-10-12). — Brief overview of the histories of various Baha'i journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Son...
  2. List and Map of 114 Youth Conferences in 2013, by Bahá'í World News Service (2013). — List of pages at (offsite) with reports, descriptions, and videos of youth events across t...

2.   from the Chronology (315 results; expand)

  1. 1908-09-00 — (New York) Baha'i Bulletin Published September, 1908 to May 1909 (5 issues) Link (Will ...
  2. 1910-03-21 — The first issue of the Baha'i News was published in Chicago. [BFA2:XVII; BW10:179; BWNS1289] See ...
  3. 1911-09-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave His first public address in the West in the City Temple Church in Holborn, London ...
  4. 1912-04-30 — Talk at Hull House, Chicago, Illinois where He spoke about racial unity. Hull House was a immigrant...
  5. 1913-01-18 — `Abdu'l-Baha received guests from the Muslim Community of Britain and was asked to speak at the Shah...
  6. 1913-04-07 — `Abdu'l-Baha traveled to Bad Mergentheim by automobile to visit the hotel and mineral bath owned by ...
  7. 1917-00-00 — The news magazine, Khurshid-i khavar (Sun of the East) commenced publication. [BWNS1289]
  8. 1918-09-23 — "During the early years of World War I, though no longer imprisoned, 'Abdu'l-Baha faced repeated thr...
  9. 1921-00-00 — The Baha'i community of Iran began publishing a monthly magazine called Aḵbār-e amrī, a publicat...
  10. 1921-00-00 — A journal called Baha'i News started publishing in English and Persian. [BWNS1289]
  11. 1921-03-00 — Two Baha'i publications began, Sonne der Wahrheit, meaning Sun of Truth, and Wirklichkeit, meaning R...
  12. 1923-09-00 — The Dawn began publishing in Burma, in Burmese, English, and Persian. [BWNS1289]
  13. 1925-09-00 — Bertram Dewing began publication of the Baha'i magazine Herald of the South in Auckland. [Collins174...
  14. 1926-00-06 — The Baha'i World was first published. [BW1:4; GT77; PP209; SBR232; BWNS1289] The first edition, A...
  15. 1935-03-00 — World Order magazine was founded. [SBR236; BWNS1289] The publication included essays, poems, ...
  16. 1940-02-09 — The monuments of Navvab and the Purest Branch were dedicated at a ceremony in Haifa. [ZK293] For ...
  17. 1943-00-00 — The first Local Spiritual Assembly was formed in Jamaica. [BWNS233]
  18. 1945-08-14 — The German Baha'is, 80 per cent of whom lived in the American sector of occupied Germany, obtained p...
  19. 1947-02-01 — Reflecting the unity in diversity highly valued by the Baha'i community, Amin Banani, Mildred Mottah...
  20. 1953-00-00 — The arrival of Knights of Baha'u'llah Dr. Mihdi Samandari and Mrs. Ursula Samandari (Newman) in Moga...
  21. 1953-05-02 — The House of Worship in Wilmette, the Mother Temple of the West, was dedicated in a public ceremony....
  22. 1953-08-02 — Fred Schechter, an American, arrived in Djibouti and was named a Knight of Baha'u'llah for French So...
  23. 1953-09-03 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Enayat Sohaili in Nyasaland (now known as Malawi) [BWNS240]
  24. 1953-09-20 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Mr. Max Kanyerezi in Middle Congo (now called Republic of Congo...
  25. 1953-10-00 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Edith Danielson in the Cook Islands. [BWNS265]
  26. 1953-10-00 — The superstructure of the Shrine of the Bab was completed. [BBD210; CB324–5; PP235; ZK85–6] M...
  27. 1953-10-01 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Emma Rice, followed one week later by Knights Stanley and Flore...
  28. 1953-10-13 — Una Townshend arrived in Malta and was named a Knight of Baha'u'llah. [BW13:454, BWNS234]
  29. 1953-10-17 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Bertha Dobbins in Vanuatu. [BWNS256]
  30. 1953-11-00 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Dr. K. M. Fozdar on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [PH57; B...
  31. 1953-11-11 — Ottilie Rhein (1903-79), an American of German origin, arrived in Mauritius and was named a Knight o...
  32. 1953-12-03 — The arrival, from Egypt, of Knight of Baha'u'llah Labib Isfahani in Dakar, Senegal. He was followed ...
  33. 1954-00-10 — The arrival in Zimbabwe (formerly Southern Rhodesia) of Knights of Baha'u'llah Izzat'u'llah Zahrai, ...
  34. 1954-00-11 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Violet Noehnke on the Admiralty Islands, now Manus Province in ...
  35. 1954-00-13 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Ted Cardell in South West Africa (now called Namibia). [BWNS280...
  36. 1954-01-00 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Dulcie Dive in the Cook Islands. [BWNS265]
  37. 1954-01-04 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Abdu'l Rahman Zarqani, in the Seychelles. [BWNS272]
  38. 1954-01-25 — Stanley P. Bolton, Jr. arrived in Nuku'alofa, on Tongatapu Island, from Australia and was named a Kn...
  39. 1954-03-04 — The arrival of Knights of Baha'u'llah Elena (Marsella) and Roy Fernie in Kiribati (Gilbert Islands)....
  40. 1954-03-25 — The passing of Marion Jack (General Jack) (b. St. John, New Brunswick) at her pioneer post in Sofia,...
  41. 1954-04-00 — The arrival of future Knight of Baha'u'llah, Mr. Enoch Olinga, in British Cameroon. [BWNS291]
  42. 1954-04-00 — The arrival of Knight Martin Manga to Northern Territories Protectorate (now part of Ghana). [BWNS2...
  43. 1954-05-02 — The arrival of Knights of Baha'u'llah Mavis Nymon and Vivian Wesson in French Togoland (now called T...
  44. 1954-05-17 — The arrival of Knight of Baha'u'llah Elise Lynelle (then Schreiber) in Bata, the capital of Rio Muni...
  45. 1955-00-00 — The fifth Trustee of the Huqúqu'llah was 'Ali-Muhammad Varqa. He inherited both the Trusteeship an...
  46. 1955-01-01 — Dorothy Senne became the first Baha'i in South Africa. [BWNS270]
  47. 1958-11-01 — The monument marking Shoghi Effendi's resting place was completed. [MC117] Dust from the Shrine o...
  48. 1960-04-30 — The unveiling of Statue of a Liberated Woman by sculptor Fuad Abdurahma
  49. 1961-10-02 — The International Baha'i Archives Building was opened to Baha'i pilgrims. [BW13:429; MC20] For de...
  50. 1972-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) was formed with its seat in Ta...
  51. 1977-09-20 — The Baha'i Faith, along with many other religious groups, were banned in Uganda. The National Assem...
  52. 1979-12-29 — Rahmatu'llah Muhajir, Hand of the Cause of God and Knight of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Quito, Ecua...
  53. 1982-05-14 — Amoz Gibson, (b. 3 Aug 1918 Washington), a member of the Universal House of Justice from 1963 until ...
  54. 1983-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92; BW19:177–226] T...
  55. 1983-01-01 — The Seat of the Universal House of Justice was completed; the Universal House of Justice officially ...
  56. 1984-09-01 — The House of Worship in Apia, Western Samoa, the Mother Temple of the Pacific, was dedicated in the ...
  57. 1986-00-00 — The founding of the Ruaha Secondary School in southwestern rural Tanzania near Iringa, about 500 km ...
  58. 1986-12-24 — The House of Worship in New Delhi, the Mother Temple of the Indian Subcontinent, was dedicated in th...
  59. 1987-01-26 — Charles Wolcott (b. September 29, 1906 in Flint, MI) member of the Universal House of Justice, passe...
  60. 1988-00-00 — The opening of the School of the Nations in Taipa, Macau with 5 students enrolled in kindergarten an...
  61. 1988-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice was elected for the sixth time at the International Convention held i...
  62. 1991-02-25 — In Iran, a secret government memorandum (known as the Golpaygani Memorandum) was drawn up by Iran's ...
  63. 1993-04-29 — The seventh Baha'i International Convention at the World Centre. Those elected to the Universal Hous...
  64. 1996-03-03 — The establishment of the Ocean of Light School in Tonga. [OoL Website, BWNS195;
  65. 1996-07-01 — The Baha'i International Community launched the site "The Baha'i World". Its stated purpose was to ...
  66. 1999-06-00 — The dedication of the first academic chair in Baha'i studies in Israel at Hebrew University of Jerus...
  67. 2000-03-23 — The election of Kiser Barnes to the Universal House of Justice to replace Mr Adib Taherzadeh. [BWNS9...
  68. 2000-09-18 — The announcement of the opening of the new Pilgrim Reception Centre near the Shrine of the Bab to re...
  69. 2000-09-19 — In a ceremony, the final earth samples from 26 nations were deposited in the Peace Monument, which w...
  70. 2000-10-00 — The Baha'i World News Service began publishing online, picking up the reins of the former Baha'i Int...
  71. 2000-12-17 — The first International Conference on Modern Religions and Religious Movements in Judaism Christiani...
  72. 2001-01-08 — The inauguration of the International Teaching Centre Building at the World Centre with the meeting ...
  73. 2001-04-30 — The Baha'i International Community issued a statement, entitled Sustainable Development: the Spiritu...
  74. 2001-05-23 — At dusk on the evening of the 22nd of May, the opening of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab, a $...
  75. 2001-06-04 — The public opening of the terraces surrounding the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel. [BWNS134, BWNS...
  76. 2001-11-23 — International Consultative Conference on School Education in relation with Freedom of Religion and B...
  77. 2001-12-20 — The Fire in the Pacific conference in Honolulu, Hawaii to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the F...
  78. 2001-12-23 — National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States published a full-page advertisement ...
  79. 2002-03-05 — The announcement by the Baha'i International Community of the murder of three Baha'is in Dushanbe, T...
  80. 2002-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice issued a letter addressed to the world's religious leaders warning of...
  81. 2002-06-06 — City Montessori School in Lucknow, India won the UNESCO Peace Education award in recognition of its ...
  82. 2002-06-26 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the publication of Gems of Divine Mysteries in...
  83. 2002-06-27 — In commemoration of the Second Baha'i World Congress 23-26 November in 1992 in New York, a Festival ...
  84. 2002-08-26 — World Summit on Sustainable Development, a United Nations conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. ...
  85. 2002-09-21 — The dedication, at the Green Acre Baha'i School in Eliot Maine, the oldest permanent Baha'i school i...
  86. 2002-11-26 — The inauguration of the Baha'i radio station in Bulac, Philippines, located in a rural district some...
  87. 2003-01-04 — The Baha'is of Hungary celebrated the inauguration of a new national centre. In 1990 there were o...
  88. 2003-02-07 — The dedication of the Louis G. Gregory Museum in his birthplace, Charleston, South Carolina. [BWNS18...
  89. 2003-03-18 — The President of India, Abdul Kalam, visited the Baha'i House of Worship in New Delhi, the first off...
  90. 2003-04-04 — Given current conditions in the world at the time, the Ninth International Convention was cancelled....
  91. 2003-04-27 — Baha'is from the north and south of Cyprus met when they were permitted to cross the demarcation lin...
  92. 2003-04-28 — The retirement of Mr. Ali Nakhjavani and Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam from the Universal House of Justice....
  93. 2003-04-29 — The ninth election of the Universal House of Justice by postal ballot by 1,544 electors from 178 cou...
  94. 2003-05-01 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the appointment of Siamak Hariri of Toronto, C...
  95. 2003-05-09 — The passing of David Hofman (b.1908 in Poona, India) in Oxford, England. [BW03-04p234-235] He was...
  96. 2003-06-00 — The publication of Minimalism: A Bridge between Classical Philosophy and the Baha'i Revelation by D...
  97. 2003-06-20 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Ursula Samandari (b. Ursula Newman 29 December, 1909 in Mitcham...
  98. 2003-08-22 — The passing of Ruth Yancey Pringle in Ciudad, Costa Rica at the age of 83 after 5 decades of service...
  99. 2003-08-29 — The celebration of the Jubilee of the opening of the Faith in the Republic of the Congo was commemor...
  100. 2003-09-06 — The celebration of the Jubilee of the opening of the Faith in the Democratic Republic of the Congo w...
  101. 2003-11-26 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Ali Akbar Furútan in Haifa at the age of 98. [BWNS261, BW'...
  102. 2003-12-16 — Shirin Ebadi, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the first Muslim woman to win the coveted distincti...
  103. 2004-02-11 — A member of the British Baha'i community, Lois Hainsworth, received the award of Member of the Orde...
  104. 2004-02-12 — The launch of the Web site for the temple that would be constructed in Chile. ...
  105. 2004-04-00 — The completion of the destruction of the gravesite of Mulla Muhammad-'Ali Barfurushi, known as Quddu...
  106. 2004-04-02 — The passing of Ola Pawlowska (b. Ola Clemens 14 February, 1910 in Lakta, outside Cacow, Poland) in N...
  107. 2004-04-19 — The passing of Mr Aziz Ismayn Yazdi (b. Alexandria, Egypt in 1909) in Vancouver, Canada at the age o...
  108. 2004-05-31 — The launch of the Web site The Baha'i Reference Library by the Baha'i International Community. It ma...
  109. 2004-06-00 — After 15 years of negotiations, research, and planning, the restoration work began on the cell used ...
  110. 2004-06-20 — By order of Ayatollah Kani, director of the Marvi School and the Endowments Office, destruction of...
  111. 2004-11-24 — The announcement of the completion of the restoration of the prison citadel that was occupied by Bah...
  112. 2004-12-20 — United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution expressing "serious concern" over the human righ...
  113. 2005-03-21 — The announcement of the retirement of Mr. Ian Semple and Mr. Douglas Martin from the Universal House...
  114. 2005-04-20 — The launch of the new official website, titled The Baha'is to replace the previous site, "The Baha'i...
  115. 2005-04-21 — The election of Dr. Payman Mohajer and Mr. Paul Lample to the vacancies on the Universal House of Ju...
  116. 2005-09-06 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member David S. Ruhe (b. 3 January, 1913) near Newb...
  117. 2005-11-00 — Dr. John Grayzei was appointed to the Baha'i Chair for Peace at the University of Maryland in the Un...
  118. 2005-11-01 — The celebration of the opening of the new Baha'i Centre at 44 Albany Street in Edinburgh, Scotland. ...
  119. 2005-11-27 — The passing of prolific author and founding member of the Association for Baha'i Studies of North Am...
  120. 2005-12-15 — The death of Mr. Dhabihu'llah Mahrami, 59, who had been held in a government prison in Yazd under ha...
  121. 2005-12-27 — The gathering, at the Baha'i World Centre, the members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors [BWN...
  122. 2006-04-04 — In late 2004 or early 2005 the government of Egypt introduced a computerized identity card system th...
  123. 2006-05-02 — Letter, from the Trades, Production, and Technical Services Society of Kermanshah to the Iranian Uni...
  124. 2006-05-15 — In Egypt the government appealed the lower court's ruling to the Supreme Administrative Court and th...
  125. 2006-07-15 — The Baha'i Academy in Panchgani, India, entered into a formal agreement with one of India's top-rank...
  126. 2006-07-31 — The announcement of the publication of The Tabernacle of Unity. This publication of the Baha'i World
  127. 2006-09-16 — In Egypt the Supreme Administrative Court again postponed its hearing on the government appeal of a ...
  128. 2006-11-20 — In Egypt lawyers representing a Baha'i couple seeking to have their religious affiliation properly i...
  129. 2006-12-16 — Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court ruled against the right of Baha'is to be properly identified on...
  130. 2006-12-21 — A message was sent from the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of Egypt regarding the recent ...
  131. 2007-04-07 — A memorial removed by the Nazis when the Baha'i Faith was outlawed in 1937 was restored by municipal...
  132. 2007-04-19 — The government of Slovakia officially registered the Baha'i Faith as a religious community, guarante...
  133. 2007-05-11 — The passing of His Highness Susuga Malietoa Tanumafili II, the Samoan head of state. He was one of t...
  134. 2007-09-09 — A Baha'i cemetery near Najafabad, Iran was destroyed using heavy equipment. More than 100 graves wer...
  135. 2007-09-22 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Dr. Ali-Muhammad Varqa (b.1911 or 1912) at his home in Haifa...
  136. 2007-10-12 — The opening of a new office of the Baha'i International Community in Brussels. The purpose was to st...
  137. 2007-11-07 — The launch of a new website by the Baha'i International Community, The Life of Baha'u'llah to provid...
  138. 2007-11-12 — Human Rights Watch and the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights released a report that stated tha...
  139. 2007-12-20 — The two Egyptian Human Rights cases, the first by the father of twin children who was seeking to obt...
  140. 2008-01-29 — In Egypt a victory for religious freedom, a lower administrative court ruled in favour of two lawsui...
  141. 2008-03-05 — Mahvash Sabet – a schoolteacher and mother of two and a member of the national-level administrativ...
  142. 2008-03-20 — The re-formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Vietnam took place after a lapse of some 33 y...
  143. 2008-04-23 — The retirement of Universal House of Justice members Mr. Hartmut Grossmann and Mr. Glenford E. Mitch...
  144. 2008-04-30 — The election of the Universal House of Justice at the 10th International Baha'i Convention. It was a...
  145. 2008-05-14 — The six men and a women, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naeimi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mr. Behrouz Tav...
  146. 2008-06-20 — Four Baha'is were arrested in Sana'a on the accusation of proselytizing. The three Baha'is of Irania...
  147. 2008-07-00 — The publication of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, the Most Holy Book, in Norwegian for the first time, bringing ...
  148. 2008-07-08 — The Shrine of the Bab and the Resting Place of Bahau'llah, together with their surrounding gardens, ...
  149. 2008-07-14 — The Baha'i Community of Vietnam was signed by the Government Committee for Religious Affairs to reco...
  150. 2008-07-27 — The results of the nationwide university entrance examination were made available on the National Or...
  151. 2008-11-01 — The first of 41 Regional Conferences held over a four month period to mark the mid-point of the Five...
  152. 2008-11-08 — Regional Conferences were held in Nakuru, Kenya and Johannesburg, South Africa. [BWNS668] Nakuru...
  153. 2008-11-15 — Regional Conferences were held in Bangui, Central African Republic, Bangalore, India and Uvira, Demo...
  154. 2008-11-22 — Regional Conferences were held in Quito, Ecuador, New Delhi, India, Kolkata, India, and Lubumbashi, ...
  155. 2008-11-29 — Regional Conferences were held in Antofagasta, Chile, Manila, Philippines and Yaoundé, Cameroon. [...
  156. 2008-12-06 — Regional Conferences were held in Portland, United States, Chicago, United States, Atlanta, United S...
  157. 2008-12-13 — Regional Conferences were held in Stamford, CT, Dallas, TX and Los Angeles, CA. [BWNS677]
  158. 2008-12-20 — Regional Conferences were held in Kuching, Malaysia and São Paulo, Brazil. [BWNS683]
  159. 2008-12-27 — Regional Conference were held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This conference represented the half-way po...
  160. 2009-01-03 — Regional Conferences were held in London, United Kingdom and Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. [BWNS686]
  161. 2009-01-10 — Regional Conferences were held in Toronto, Canada and Guadalajara, Mexico. [BWNS687]
  162. 2009-01-17 — Regional Conferences were held in Lae, Papua New Guinea, Vancouver, Canada and Managua, Nicaragua. ...
  163. 2009-01-24 — Regional Conferences were held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Sydney, Australia and Madrid, Spain. [BWNS6...
  164. 2009-01-31 — Regional Conferences were held in Auckland, New Zealand and Battambang, Cambodia. [BWNS692]
  165. 2009-02-07 — Regional Conferences were held in Frankfurt, Germany and Padua, Italy. [Padua,
  166. 2009-02-14 — Regional Conference was held in Istanbul, Turkey. [BWNS698]
  167. 2009-02-21 — Regional Conferences were held in Baku, Azerbaijan and Accra, Ghana. [BWNS700]
  168. 2009-02-28 — Regional Conference was held in Kyiv, Ukraine. [BWNS701]
  169. 2009-03-01 — The purpose of the Regional Conferences was to celebrate achievements during the first half of the F...
  170. 2009-03-16 — In Egypt the Supreme Administrative Court removed any grounds for preventing Baha'is from receiving ...
  171. 2009-04-00 — Beth McKenty, longtime pioneer to Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada received the Caring Canadian Award from t...
  172. 2009-04-17 — With respect to the Supreme Administrative Court decision of 16 March 2009, the decree, dated 19 Mar...
  173. 2009-07-02 — More than 20 members of the European Baha'i Business Forum participated in the Global Ethics Forum, ...
  174. 2009-07-10 — Iranian officials told the families of the seven Baha'i leaders being held in Evin prison in Tehran ...
  175. 2009-08-08 — Two young Egyptian Baha'is, Imad and Nancy Rauf Hindi, received the new identity cards. They had bee...
  176. 2009-08-17 — The trial of seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned in Iran was further postponed until 18 October. [B...
  177. 2009-12-07 — The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference raised climate change policy to the highest political level...
  178. 2010-01-12 — The trial of Iran's seven Baha'i leaders, Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid...
  179. 2010-02-07 — Seven imprisoned Baha'i leaders appeared in court for a second session of their trial. The sessio...
  180. 2010-03-20 — The Universal House of Justice announced the retirement of Mr. Peter Khan (member since 1987) and Mr...
  181. 2010-04-12 — The seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders arrived at the court for their third appearance and thei...
  182. 2010-04-30 — The visit of the President of the Republic of Ireland, Mary McAleese, to the World Centre. [BWNS774]
  183. 2010-05-00 — The publication of Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism," for th...
  184. 2010-08-08 — The sentence of 20 years in prison was announced for members of the "Yaran-i-Iran" or "Friends of Ir...
  185. 2010-09-15 — In the face of the chorus of condemnation from governments and human rights organizations around the...
  186. 2010-10-29 — After three years the restoration, work was completed on the Ridvan Garden some two kilometers south...
  187. 2010-11-28 — Excavation work began on the new Baha'i House of Worship for the South American continent, at a loca...
  188. 2010-12-07 — In an open letter to Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Larijani, the Head of the Judiciary, the Baha'i Intern...
  189. 2010-12-28 — The conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors was held at the World Centre attended by 79 ...
  190. 2011-02-12 — Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi were transferred to the notorious Section 200 of Gohardasht Pris...
  191. 2011-03-10 — The passing of Mrs. Ashraf Khanjani, wife of imprisoned Jamaloddin Khanjani at the age of 81 In Tehr...
  192. 2011-03-30 — Six months after Iran's Appeal Court reduced their sentences from 20 to 10 years, the seven Baha'i l...
  193. 2011-04-02 — In an open letter to their fellow citizens, the Baha'is of Egypt offered some advice regarding the f...
  194. 2011-04-12 — After more than two years of extensive restoration work the Shrine of the Bab was complete. The proj...
  195. 2011-04-21 — Burundi elected its first National Spiritual Assembly in 17 years. Civil war and unrest during recen...
  196. 2011-05-03 — After conviction, the two women of the Yaran were transferred from Evin Prison to the even more not...
  197. 2011-05-20 — Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet were returned to Evin Prison in Tehran. They had spent a brief t...
  198. 2011-05-29 — The inauguration of the UNESCO Square for Tolerance and Peace, situated at the point where Haifa's h...
  199. 2011-07-15 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Dr. Peter J. Khan (b. 2 November, 1936 in Ne...
  200. 2011-08-27 — The Baha'is of Geneva commemorated the 100th anniversary of the start of 'Abdu'l-Baha's journeys to ...
  201. 2011-09-24 — The arrest of Abdolfattah Soltani, a senior member of the legal team (4 lawyers) representing a numb...
  202. 2011-12-01 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Ian C. Semple (b. 2 December 1928 in New...
  203. 2011-12-02 — The head of state of the Republic of Palau, President Johnson Toribiong, paid an official visit to t...
  204. 2012-02-01 — The announcement of the publication of Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah in Korean. [BWNS8...
  205. 2012-02-20 — The passing of Anneliese Bopp, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre at Bad ...
  206. 2012-02-24 — The inaugural screening of Iranian Taboo by Dutch-Iranian filmmaker Reza Allamehzadeh in Los Angeles...
  207. 2012-05-11 — The Universal House of Justice sent a message to the Baha'is of Iran near the four-year anniversary ...
  208. 2013-03-00 — The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bah...
  209. 2013-03-05 — The passing of Mas'ud Khamsi, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre in Lima,...
  210. 2013-04-12 — The commemoration of the centenary of the visit of 'Abdu'l-Baha to North America. [BWNS918]
  211. 2013-04-29 — The 11th International Baha'i Convention in Haifa and the 50th anniversary of the inaugural Conventi...
  212. 2013-05-14 — The Baha'i International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year ...
  213. 2013-06-27 — In a message from the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies it advised of ...
  214. 2013-07-00 — The holding of 114 Youth Conferences around the world at the request of the Universal House of Justi...
  215. 2013-08-13 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam in Vancouver, Canada....
  216. 2013-08-24 — Mr. Ataollah Rezvani, a well-known Baha'i in the city of Bandar Abbas disappeared and the next day t...
  217. 2013-09-20 — Deloria Bighorn, chairperson of the National Spiritual Baha'is of Canada, presented, on behalf of th...
  218. 2013-10-01 — The Baha'i International Community announced the appointment of Joshua Lincoln as its new Secretary-...
  219. 2013-10-28 — The release of the video Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Baha'i Community ...
  220. 2013-11-00 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the retirement of Dr. Farzam Arbab and Mr. Kis...
  221. 2014-04-00 — In Shiraz, the Revolutionary Guard began excavation of some 200 square meters of the Baha'i cemetery...
  222. 2014-05-08 — Despite a worldwide outcry, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards continued destroying an historic Baha'i...
  223. 2014-06-06 — At her request, the Universal House of Justice sent a message to Her Excelle
  224. 2014-09-00 — The exclusion of Shadan Shirazi, an exemplary student who placed exceptionally well in the college e...
  225. 2014-09-08 — Ayatollah Hamid Masoumi Tehrani presented an illuminated calligraphic work of the words of Baha'u'll...
  226. 2014-09-14 — Some 500 people attend the unveiling of the design of the first local Baha'i House of Worship in Nor...
  227. 2015-01-20 — The website of the worldwide Baha'i community at was launched in a new version, repre...
  228. 2015-02-12 — The official opening of the new location of the Afnan Library Trust at Sandy, close to Cambridge. Th...
  229. 2015-02-27 — The premiere of the film To Light a Candle by Iranian-Canadian filmmaker and journalist, Maziar Maha...
  230. 2015-07-17 — Some 300 people attended the unveiling of the design of the first local Baha'i House of Worship in B...
  231. 2015-11-15 — The groundbreaking ceremony of the first local Baha'i House of Worship in Battambang, Cambodia was a...
  232. 2015-12-21 — Ayatollah Abdol-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani, a senior Muslim cleric in Iran, had courageously called on hi...
  233. 2016-03-08 — The earthworks for the Local Baha'i House of Worship in Battambang, Cambodia was completed. [BWNS11...
  234. 2016-04-25 — The passing of former member of the International Teaching Centre, Joy Stevenson (b. 1919) in Queanb...
  235. 2016-05-13 — Fariba Kamalabadi, while on a five-day furlough from Evin Prison, met with former Tehran MP Faezeh H...
  236. 2016-05-22 — Some 700 people gathered on the temple land in the small village of Agua Azul, in the municipality o...
  237. 2016-08-10 — Armed officers, masked in balaclavas from Yemen's National Security Bureau (NSB) intelligence agency...
  238. 2016-09-16 — For a progress report on the construction of the Local House of Worship in Battanbang, Cambodia see ...
  239. 2016-09-26 — The murder of Farhang Amiri in Yazd. [BWNS1133; Arch
  240. 2016-10-13 — The public dedication of the Mother Temple of South America in Santiago, Chile. The opening ceremoni...
  241. 2017-01-18 — The announcement of the publication of Days of Remembrance: Selections from the Writings of Baha'u'l...
  242. 2017-02-15 — The Baha'i International Community announced the launch of a website for the Baha'is of Iran at Baha...
  243. 2017-02-23 — Plans for the construction of the local Baha'i House of Worship in Agua Azul, a village in Norte del...
  244. 2017-04-19 — Houthi-Saleh political security officers arrested Walid Ayyash, Mahmood Humaid, and Badi'u'llah Sana...
  245. 2017-05-05 — The film Changing the World, One Wall at a Time was premiered in Harlem on the 5th of May and in Los...
  246. 2017-05-12 — The Baha'i International Community launched a global campaign calling for the immediate release of t...
  247. 2017-06-18 — The plan for the design of the local Mashriqul-Adhkar in Tanna, Vanuatu was announced. Ashkan Mosta...
  248. 2017-07-15 — The men who admitted to stabbing and killing Farhang Amiri, a 63-year-old father of four children, i...
  249. 2017-08-25 — The announcement of the opening of the new Pilgrim Reception Centre. The three-story stone stru...
  250. 2017-09-01 — The opening of Cambodia's first "Local House of Worship" in Battambang, just over two years after t...
  251. 2017-09-19 — Mahvash Sabet, one of the seven members of the former leadership group of the Baha'is in Iran known ...
  252. 2017-10-17 — The release of the film Light to the World. The 51 minute film recounted the story of Baha'u'llah's...
  253. 2017-10-18 — The Iranian Baha'i community was targeted during the bicentenary period. Between 18 and 21 October, ...
  254. 2017-10-20 — Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah From the time of the setting of the sun on October 21st i...
  255. 2017-10-22 — The bicentenary of the birth of Baha'u'llah was commemorated around the world. A multi-lingual web p...
  256. 2017-10-23 — Yemeni security forces raided a Baha'i gathering in Sana'a opening fire on the small group of people...
  257. 2017-10-31 — Fariba Kamalabadi, a member of the former leadership group of the Baha'is called the "Yaran", conclu...
  258. 2017-11-15 — Progress report on the construction of the local Baha'i House of Worship in Norte del Cauca. [BW...
  259. 2017-11-17 — A committee of the United Nations General Assembly condemned Iran by a vote of 83 to 30 with 68 abst...
  260. 2017-12-05 — The release of Behrooz Tavakkoli, 66, from prison after serving a 10-year term. He was the third me...
  261. 2017-12-17 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the passing of former House member Mr. Hartmut...
  262. 2018-01-02 — The Specialized Criminal Court of the Houthi militia in Yemen sentenced 52 year-old detainee Hammed ...
  263. 2018-01-25 — The announcement of the opening of an educational centre at the Baha'i Lotus Temple. The educationa...
  264. 2018-02-16 — The release of Saeid Rezaie, one of the seven members of the Yaran, the former leadership group of t...
  265. 2018-02-22 — A progress report on the construction of the Mashriqul-Adhkar in Norte del Cauca was made. The main...
  266. 2018-03-12 — The Baha'i International Community in New York released the statement "Beyond Mere Economics: A Mora...
  267. 2018-03-16 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, at 85 the oldest member of the Yaran to be imprisoned, was released after s...
  268. 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
  269. 2018-03-21 — The design for the national Baha'i House of Worship of Papua New Guinea (PNG) was unveiled. Orig...
  270. 2018-04-04 — A major milestone in the construction of the local Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Agua Azul was reached. The c...
  271. 2018-04-15 — The design for the local Baha'i House of Worship was unveiled at a gathering in Matunda Soy, Kenya a...
  272. 2018-04-22 — The announcement of the retirement of Universal House of Justice members Mr. Gustavo Correa, 70, and...
  273. 2018-04-30 — The announcement of the election of the 12th Universal House of Justice. Those elected were Paul Lam...
  274. 2018-04-31 — Some 80 members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors met for a conference at the Baha'i World Ce...
  275. 2018-06-22 — Following the recitation of prayers, the carved teak Greatest Name symbol was raised 15 meters to be...
  276. 2018-07-08 — The opening of the play about Tahirih called Daughter of the Sun to an audience of 450 people at the...
  277. 2018-07-22 — The dedication of the second local Baha'i House of Worship in the world in Norte del Cauca, Colombia...
  278. 2018-09-15 — Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi authorities held a court hearing that targeted some 20 or 24 Baha'is, mos...
  279. 2018-10-00 — The publication of Man of the Trees: Richard St. Barbe Baker, the First Global Conservationist. by ...
  280. 2018-10-01 — The announcement of the translation and publication of the Kitab-i-Aqdas into the Philippines' secon...
  281. 2018-11-09 — The Universal House of Justice announced that the Office of Social and Economic Development would be...
  282. 2019-02-05 — The announcement of the publication of The Call of the Divine Beloved by the Baha'i W
  283. 2019-03-23 — A gathering of about 1,200 people attended the groundbreaking of the first local Baha'i House of Wor...
  284. 2019-05-23 — The Baha'i World publication website was launched online this date. The website made available a ...
  285. 2019-10-22 — The Baha'i World News Service provided an update on the progress of the construction of the local Ba...
  286. 2019-11-17 — About 2,000 people were joined by representatives of the national government and members of the Nati...
  287. 2019-11-24 — Progress Report on the construction of the national Baha'i House of Worship for Papua New Guinea the...
  288. 2020-04-23 — Despite slowdowns in aspects of the project to ensure the safety of personnel on the construction si...
  289. 2020-06-12 — In Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the temple site was being prepared for the cons...
  290. 2020-06-12 — The Baha'i World News Service provided a progress report on the construction of the first local Mash...
  291. 2020-07-02 — The design for the national Baha'i House of Worship to be built in the Democratic Republic of the Co...
  292. 2020-10-18 — The groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the future national Mashriqul-Adhkar was held at the temp...
  293. 2020-11-16 — Progress report for the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha was issued by the World Centre. ...
  294. 2020-11-18 — The United Nations General Assembly had passed a resolution condemning human rights violations in Ir...
  295. 2020-11-20 — The Baha'i World News Service released a progress report on the construction of the Mashriqul-Adhkar...
  296. 2020-12-05 — The Austrian Baha'i Office of External Affairs launched a new vlog that will explore issues of natio...
  297. 2020-12-11 — Work on the concrete walls and roof beams of the central edifice had been completed; work on the st...
  298. 2020-12-31 — The Baha'i World News Service published 2020 In Review.
  299. 2021-02-28 — The Baha'i World News Service provided an update on the construction of the National Temple in Kinsh...
  300. 2021-02-28 — The Baha'i World News Service provided an update on the construction of the Local Temple in Matunda ...
  301. 2021-03-14 — The pouring of the concrete floor slab for the main edifice was completed and some of the walls enc...
  302. 2021-05-23 — The dedication of the first local Baha'i House of Worship in Africa in Matunda Soy, Kenya. The pro...
  303. 2021-07-06 — The Baha'i World Centre released an update on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha: The...
  304. 2021-07-19 — A Twitter storm under the hashtag of #StopHatePropaganda and running from 5pm to 7pm GMT, 9.30pm to ...
  305. 2021-07-29 — A report on the progress of the construction of the National Mashriqul-Adhkar was provided. The c...
  306. 2021-12-16 — The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has called on the Iranian government to end its discriminat...
  307. 2022-01-26 — The BWC released a progress report on the construction of the national Baha'i House of Worship in Ki...
  308. 2022-03-21 — The World Centre released a progress report on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha. The...
  309. 2022-06-02 — A conference titled, Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility...
  310. 2022-07-19 — The release of a film titled A Baha'i in Egypt: A story of 3 generations. It was a documentary produ...
  311. 2022-08-16 — An update on the progress of the construction on the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha was published. It was a...
  312. 2022-08-19 — The Baha'i World News Service expanded its service in yet another language - Russian, to add to the ...
  313. 2022-09-19 — People from nearby neighborhoods gathered at the temple site to weave aluminum strips into a traditi...
  314. 2022-12-06 — The release of the film A Library for All Who Seek Knowledge by the Baha'i World News Service, a sho...
  315. 2023-09-19 — It was announced that the Baha'i World News Service was expanded to include the Persian language on ...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (1 result)

  1. 2001-05-23 — At dusk on the evening of the 22nd of May, the opening of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab, a $...
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