- America and the Most Great Peace interactive study guide, by Duane Troxel (2004-08-26). — A PDF interactive study guide to Shoghi Effendi's letter "America and the Most Great Peace," which w...
- Bahá'í Glossary: Persian and Arabic words appearing in the Bahá'í Writings, by Marzieh Gail (1957). — The first published glossary of Baha'i terms and names.
- Bahá'í Glossary and Pronunciation Guide, A, by Amin Banani (1967). — How to pronounce Persian and Arabic names and terms in Baha'i literature, and discussion of linguist...
- Bahá'í Glossary, A, by Neil McMillan, Brian Didier Susan Gammage, ed. (2016). — A glossary of Baha'i principles and concepts, as derived from hundreds of messages of the Universal ...
- Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), by Various Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Brief Course on the Bahá'í Faith, A, Bahá'í World Centre, comp. (1993). — Basic themes and beliefs of the Baha'i Faith, explained succinctly, with glossary and study question...
- Empowering Words, by Joanna M. Tahzib-Thomas (2012). — Extracts from the letters and messages of Shoghi Effendi for inspiration, guidance, and vision. Incl...
- Glosario Basico de Terminos Bahá'ís, Author unknown, comp. (2004). — Spanish glossary of 404 terms used in the Baha'i writings, community and administration, as well as ...
- Glossary and Index of Terms, Author unknown, comp. (2004). — Comprehensive glossary of Islam. (Extracted from the final volume, #13. Encyclopedia index not inclu...
- Glossary of Arabic and Persian Transcription, Mike Thomas, comp. (2016/2024). — Comprehensive list of names and terms encountered in Baha'i history, with transcription (accents, un...
- Goal of a New World Order, The, interactive study guide, by Duane Troxel (2004-09-22). — A PDF interactive study guide to Shoghi Effendi's letter "The Goal of a New World Order," which was ...
- Index and Glossary to Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, by Various (1952/1983). — Index and glossary, from the 1952 and the 1976/1983 editions of Gleanings, indexed by page number an...
- Introduction to the Bahá'í Religiolect, An, by Adib Masumian (2015). — Religious dialects are cultural crossover phenomena, like "Judeo-Arabic" and "Christianese". A relig...
- Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): "Multilinear" Translation project and Glossary, by Bahá'u'lláh Jonah Winters, comp, Various, trans. (1999). — Side-by-side comparisons of the authorized translation with earlier translations of Anton Haddad and...
- Major Themes of the Creative Word: Series of Books for Deepening and Studying, by Melanie Smith, Paul Lample (1987/1993). — Five activity books "designed to draw the student into a study of the profound concepts found in the...
- Metaphysics and Cosmology of Process According to Shaykh 'Aḥmad al-'Ahsā'ī, The: Critical Edition, Translation, and Analysis of Observations in Wisdom, by Idris Samawi Hamid (1998). — Analyzes Shaykh Ahmad's groundbreaking process metaphysics and cosmology through "The Wisdom Observa...
- On "Simplified English" Translations of the Bahá'í Writings, by Universal House of Justice (1998-08-12). — Explanation that it is not necessary or acceptable to produce simplified "dilutions" of Shoghi Effen...
- Our Beloved Guardian: An Introduction to the Life and Work of Shoghi Effendi, by Lowell Johnson (1993). — A comprehensive summary biography of Shoghi Effendi. Includes glossary of some antiquated English wo...
- Persian and Arabic names, by Hasan M. Balyuzi, Marzieh Gail, Iraj Ayman (1973). — Explanations of the elaborate system of Persian names and titles used in the nineteenth century.
- Persian, Arabic, and Provisional Translations, by Iraj Ayman, Robert Stockman (1999). — Words relating to the titles of Baha'i Writings, "Pure" Persian and "Pure" Arabic, and information o...
- Pocketful of Meaning, A: Compilation of Terms, Phrases and Symbols as Used in the Sacred Writings of all Faiths in the World, by Romane Takkenberg (2019). — A compilation from the Baha'i Writings explaining the meaning of terms and symbols used in the sacre...
- Short Glossary of Bahá'í Terms, by Jonah Winters (2010). — Definitions of a few common Baha'i terms, people, places, and names of Tablets.
- Transliteration System Used in Bahá'í Literature, The, by Bahá'í World Centre (2023). — Overview of the transliteration / transcription system used by Shoghi Effendi, including a list of c...
- Unfoldment of World Civilization, The, interactive study guide, by Duane Troxel (2004-09-16). — A PDF interactive study guide to Shoghi Effendi's letter "The Unfoldment of World Civilization," whi...
- مجموعۀ لغات منتخبه از آثار امری بزبانهای فارسی، عربی و انگلیسی (A Collection of Selected Words from the Bahá'í Writings in Persian, Arabic, and English), Hamed Eshraghian, comp. (1989/2000). — Glossary with more than 2,200 words in the original languages of the Writings and their correspondin...