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Date 2000-09-06, sorted by date, descending

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2000 6 - 8 Sep
The General Assembly Millennium Summit was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and was attended by leaders of more than 150 nations. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan presented a report entitled, "We The Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century". In which was presented an overview of the challenges facing humankind and suggested practical solutions. Some of the key themes addressed include health, environment, human rights and other social issues, international law, peace and rejuvenating the United Nations. It is striking that called upon by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to address so historic a gathering was Mr. Techeste Ahderom, the principal representative of the Bahá'í International Community to the United Nations, addressed the gathering as the spokesman of civil society. He was accorded this honour because he had presided as cochair at the earlier United Nations Millennium Forum. After all the national leaders had spoken and before the Summit had adopted its declaration on 8 September, Mr. Ahderom made a speech in which he conveyed to that unprecedented assemblage a report of the Forum. The text of his speech is enclosed herewith. On the last day a declaration was unanimously adopted that began by asserting: "We, Heads of State and Government, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 6 to 8 September 2000, at the dawn of a new Millennium, to reaffirm our faith in the Organization and its Charter as indispensable foundations of a more peaceful, prosperous and just world." [BW00-01p91-93, Letter from the Universal House of Justice dated 24 September 2000]
  • The text of Mr. Ahderom's speech can be found on the BIC's website and at BW00-01p243-247.
  • Millennium Declaration (in all UN working languages)
  • The Millennium Development Goals are to: (1) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; (2) achieve universal primary education; (3) promote gender equality and empower women; (4) reduce child mortality; (5) improve maternal health; (6) combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; (7) ensure environmental sustainability; and (8) develop a global partnership for development.
  • UN website.
* Interfaith dialogue; - Conferences; Bahá'í International Community; Collaboration and cooperation; Disarmament; Diversity; Environment; Equality; Globalization; Human rights; Justice; Millennium; Nature; New York, USA; Peace; Prosperity; Security; Social and economic development; Solidarity; Sustainable development; Techeste Ahderom; Tolerance; United Nations; United Nations Millennium Forum and Summit; United Nations Summits; United Nations conferences; United States (USA); Wealth and poverty; World peace
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